PPP Over Serial Server

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Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:36 pm

PPP Over Serial Server

Postby louisthetall » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:02 pm

I am currently looking into establishing a serial connection between two esp32 devices and would like to use the point-to-point protocol.

I took a look through the esp-idf pppos example which is a client based program, but I was wondering if anyone has done any work with configuring the esp32 to be a pppos server

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:20 pm

Re: PPP Over Serial Server

Postby epooch » Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:38 pm

Yes, see my fork of the esp32-at repository here:
which includes new commands like : AT+PPPD
If you include PPP_SERVER support in the configuration, it will compile and run as a server, otherwise a client.

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