ESP32 I2C mapping
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
It need to be output capable and not pulled down.
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
ok I was backtracking the code from seesaw to wire and now I see that nothing else needs to be changed I just need to add a second begin and bus address into my code. By pointing wire.begin to the two pins I chose as secondary i2c pins. And both pins need to be input/output capable pins.
what I don't understand is where and how these come into play...
TwoWire Wire = TwoWire(0);
TwoWire Wire2 = TwoWire(0);
and do I need to do this?
extern TwoWire Wire;
extern TwoWire Wire2;
ok I was backtracking the code from seesaw to wire and now I see that nothing else needs to be changed I just need to add a second begin and bus address into my code. By pointing wire.begin to the two pins I chose as secondary i2c pins. And both pins need to be input/output capable pins.
what I don't understand is where and how these come into play...
TwoWire Wire = TwoWire(0);
TwoWire Wire2 = TwoWire(0);
and do I need to do this?
extern TwoWire Wire;
extern TwoWire Wire2;
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
the page says that dac1 and dac 2 are also analog and also a gpio. Does that mean I can comment out the dac defines and use those Pins?
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
Seesaw functions are hardcoded to use Wire.function so it will only work on first i2c unless you modify it to support Wire2.function also.
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
ok so I don't need to modify wire any more but I do need to modify the seesaw library?
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
ok what was easiest for me to do was go into wire and add a second begin. The second one points to the second set of i2c pins
then I made these changes to i2c_init in the seesaw library
I then changed begin in the seesaw library to this....
Code: Select all
void TwoWire::begin2(int sdaPin, int sclPin, uint32_t frequency2)
if(sdaPin < 0) {
if(num == 0) {
sdaPin = SDA2;
} else {
if(sclPin < 0) {
if(num == 0) {
sclPin = SCL2;
} else {
if(i2c == NULL) {
i2c = i2cInit(num, 0, false);
if(i2c == NULL) {
i2cSetFrequency(i2c, frequency2);
if(sda >= 0 && sda != sdaPin) {
i2cDetachSDA(i2c, sda2);
if(scl >= 0 && scl != sclPin) {
i2cDetachSCL(i2c, scl2);
sda2 = sdaPin;
scl2 = sclPin;
i2cAttachSDA(i2c, sda2);
i2cAttachSCL(i2c, scl2);
Code: Select all
void Adafruit_seesaw::_i2c_init()
Code: Select all
bool Adafruit_seesaw::begin(uint8_t addr1, uint8_t addr2)
_i2caddr = addr1;
_i2caddr2 = addr2;
uint8_t c = this->read8(SEESAW_STATUS_BASE, SEESAW_STATUS_HW_ID);
if(c != SEESAW_HW_ID_CODE) return false;
return true;
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
Really you should modify seesaw so you can pass in a pointer to a TwoWire instance instead of hardcoded to Wire
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
I decided to just use the same bus for both i2c devices. Much easier and I only had to modify the seesaws begin to open both device addresses. I was concerned about reaction time from when the button pressed to the point where it executes onto a tft screen. For Gaming. It was pointed out to though that the timing would probably be minute so no big deal.
I am having a problem picking two interrupt pins. They need to be digital I'm told. The pin outs for the huzzah 32 only say gpio and analog. Are all the pins digital and only some of those analog capable? it claims in pins Arduino that it has 40 digital pins but the huzzah doesn't have 40 pins lol.
I am having a problem picking two interrupt pins. They need to be digital I'm told. The pin outs for the huzzah 32 only say gpio and analog. Are all the pins digital and only some of those analog capable? it claims in pins Arduino that it has 40 digital pins but the huzzah doesn't have 40 pins lol.
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
I cant get both i2c devices to work at the same time. I gat one side going or he other per compile. So I know they both work. What am I doing wrong here?
Code: Select all
#include "Adafruit_seesaw.h"
Adafruit_seesaw ss;
#define BUTTON_RIGHT 6 /////////////what are these integers
#define BUTTON_DOWN 7 /////////////" "
#define BUTTON_LEFT 9 /////////////" "
#define BUTTON_UP 10 /////////////" "
#define BUTTON_SEL 14 /////////////" "
uint32_t button_mask = (1 << BUTTON_RIGHT) | (1 << BUTTON_DOWN) |
(1 << BUTTON_LEFT) | (1 << BUTTON_UP) | (1 << BUTTON_SEL);
uint32_t button_mask2 = (1 << BUTTON_RIGHT) | (1 << BUTTON_DOWN) |
(1 << BUTTON_LEFT) | (1 << BUTTON_UP) | (1 << BUTTON_SEL);
#if defined(ESP8266)
#define IRQ_PIN 2
#elif defined(ESP32)
#define IRQ_PIN1 13
#define IRQ_PIN2 27
#elif defined(NRF52)
#define IRQ_PIN 27
#elif defined(TEENSYDUINO)
#define IRQ_PIN 8
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_WICED)
#define IRQ_PIN PC5
#define IRQ_PIN 5
void setup() {
Serial.println("seesaw started");
Serial.print("version: ");
Serial.println(ss.getVersion(), HEX);
ss.pinModeBulk(button_mask, INPUT_PULLUP);
ss.setGPIOInterrupts(button_mask, 1);
pinMode(IRQ_PIN1, INPUT);
ss.pinModeBulk(button_mask2, INPUT_PULLUP);
ss.setGPIOInterrupts(button_mask2, 1);
pinMode(IRQ_PIN2, INPUT);
int last_x = 0, last_y = 0;
int last_x2 = 0, last_y2 = 0;
void loop() {
int x = ss.analogRead(2);
int y = ss.analogRead(3);
if ( (abs(x - last_x) > 3) || (abs(y - last_y) > 3)) {
Serial.print(x); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(y);
last_x = x;
last_y = y;
int x2 = ss.analogRead(2);
int y2 = ss.analogRead(3);
if ( (abs(x - last_x2) > 3) || (abs(y - last_y2) > 3)) {
Serial.print(x); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(y);
last_x2 = x2;
last_y2 = y2;
uint32_t buttons = ss.digitalReadBulk(button_mask);
//Serial.println(buttons, BIN);
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_RIGHT))) {
Serial.println("Button A pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_DOWN))) {
Serial.println("Button B pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_LEFT))) {
Serial.println("Button Y pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_UP))) {
Serial.println("Button x pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_SEL))) {
Serial.println("Button SEL pressed");
uint32_t buttons = ss.digitalReadBulk(button_mask2);
//Serial.println(buttons, BIN);
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_RIGHT))) {
Serial.println("Button A pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_DOWN))) {
Serial.println("Button B pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_LEFT))) {
Serial.println("Button Y pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_UP))) {
Serial.println("Button x pressed");
if (! (buttons & (1 << BUTTON_SEL))) {
Serial.println("Button SEL pressed");
Fear is the mind killer.......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
GameR the DIY iot gaming device that does more......
Re: ESP32 I2C mapping
If you are going to use the same i2c bus you should remove your changes to seesaw and do
If you are going to use the same i2c bus you should remove your changes to seesaw and do
Code: Select all
Adafruit_seesaw ss;
Adafruit_seesaw ss2;
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