Library for MCP23S17

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Library for MCP23S17

Postby damian_py » Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:13 pm

Hi everyone,

I had an arduino library for MCP23S17 (just for switching I/O and reading 0/1 sensors), but I need to use it with my FreeRTOS code. Does anyone has used this chip before with ESP32? Is there a library for MCP23017 (in case)?

Thank you for your help,

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Re: Library for MCP23S17

Postby kolban » Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:04 am

I once had a go at such a library. My effors are here: ... P23017.cpp
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: Library for MCP23S17

Postby permal » Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:24 am

damian_py wrote:Hi everyone,
Is there a library for MCP23017 (in case)?
I have a working implementation for it in my C++ framework: ... P23017.cpp

It relies on some other classes to abstract all the I2C administrative tasks and to make the I2C bus thread safe so you'll have to dig around a bit. The code is currently GPL'd (thinking about changing it), but nothing prevents you from looking at and taking inspiration from it. ;)

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