I use vscode for esp-idf and I quite like it, though I am no expert. I did not know about adding IDF-TARGET to the CMakeLists.txt file as @MicroController pointed out -- I will add that for completeness. But here is my vscode full-build sequence for s3 currently:
To completely re-build a project, I first click the Full-Clean (garbage can icon) -- on more than one occasion (and I don't know why) this has given me an error so I just delete the build directory manually.
Then I delete the sdkconfig file (I have all my tweaks in an sdkconfig.defaults file).
Finally, I verify that the target button says esp32s3 -- sometimes it reverts to esp32 and I am unsure why. If it says just esp32, click it and set esp32s3 before continuing (or the build will be crapola).
Then I click the SDK-Config (gear icon), which creates and starts populating part of the build directory, then save the new sdkconfig file. Target button should still say esp32s3.
At this point the Build-Project (wrench icon) does a full build.
Want to compile for ESP32S3 not ESP32
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- Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2025 7:21 pm
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