can't get arduino as a component to work in esp-ide 3.0.0 with idf V5.3.1

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:08 pm

can't get arduino as a component to work in esp-ide 3.0.0 with idf V5.3.1

Postby PollysCracker » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:48 pm

I'm trying to get arduino as a component to work with any of the examples only using the guide: ... onent.html
But when entering the provided commands git clone everything just stops and freezes, i did exactly as described in the guide on both my own pc and in a managed environment, both resulted in a freeze.

When i added arduino-esp32 framework(from component) in the esp-idf/components, every single project automaticly uses this, how can i install arduino as a main component without automaticly have every new project use this?

Aside from that, whenever i try to install arduino as a component to my project specificly using IDF component manager(using command add-dependency "espressif/arduino-esp32^3.1.1") i can't build anymore, it always throws the error that the freertos_hz is at 100, when i then try to open the sdkonfig so i can adjust it to 1000 it tells me the same error, leaving me unable to edit the sdkconfig with the IDE.
Since that did not work i had to manually edit the sdkconfig file in the project directory, and rebuild it, only then i could open sdkconfig, so basicly a minor inconvienence unless i'm doing something wrong.

Anyone here who got it to work that can help me out a bit? is that guide still on point or is it outdated?
I also tried installing the arduino-esp component into the idf/components but then every single project throws this error so i removed that again as i dont want every project to automaticly include the arduino-esp component, wich is kinda weird.
Also after trying to install arduino as a component, either global or project specifik, cmake or is suddenly trying to add a whole lot more dependencies i did not ask for, is that normal? i only needed arduino-esp but it installed 26 extra dependencies, am i correct in assuming that the arduino core uses those, therefor automaticly installs them aswell, even if they eventually dont end up being used in the final program?

Code: Select all

Executing action: confserver
Running cmake in directory C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build
Executing "cmake -G Ninja -DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1 -DPYTHON=C:\Espressif\python_env\idf5.3_py3.11_env\Scripts\python.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DSDKCONFIG=sdkconfig -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink"...
-- Found Git: C:/Espressif/tools/idf-git/2.44.0/bin/git.exe (found version "") 
error: cannot spawn git-sh-i18n--envsubst: Permission denied
error: cannot spawn git-sh-i18n--envsubst: Permission denied
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
-- Could not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER.
-- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote

Processing 27 dependencies:

[1/27] chmorgan/esp-libhelix-mp3 (1.0.3)

[2/27] espressif/arduino-esp32 (3.1.1)

[3/27] espressif/cbor (0.6.0~1)

[4/27] espressif/esp-dsp (1.5.2)

[5/27] espressif/esp-modbus (1.0.17)

[6/27] espressif/esp-serial-flasher (0.0.11)

[7/27] espressif/esp-zboss-lib (1.6.0)

[8/27] espressif/esp-zigbee-lib (1.6.0)

[9/27] espressif/esp_diag_data_store (1.0.1)

[10/27] espressif/esp_diagnostics (1.0.2)

[11/27] espressif/esp_insights (1.0.1)

[12/27] espressif/esp_modem (1.3.0)

[13/27] espressif/esp_rainmaker (1.5.0)

[14/27] espressif/esp_rcp_update (1.2.0)

[15/27] espressif/esp_schedule (1.2.0)

[16/27] espressif/esp_secure_cert_mgr (2.5.0)

[17/27] espressif/jsmn (1.1.0)

[18/27] espressif/json_generator (1.1.2)

[19/27] espressif/json_parser (1.0.3)

[20/27] espressif/led_strip (2.5.5)

[21/27] espressif/libsodium (1.0.20~2)

[22/27] espressif/mdns (1.5.2)

[23/27] espressif/network_provisioning (1.0.2)

[24/27] espressif/qrcode (0.1.0~2)

[25/27] espressif/rmaker_common (1.4.6)

[26/27] joltwallet/littlefs (1.16.2)

[27/27] idf (5.3.1)

-- DEBUG: Use esp-modbus component folder: C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/managed_components/espressif__esp-modbus.
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted

NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote

-- Project sdkconfig file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig
Loading defaults file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig.defaults...

Loading defaults file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig.defaults.esp32...

-- Compiler supported targets: xtensa-esp-elf
-- App "blink" version: 1
-- Adding linker script C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/esp-idf/esp_system/ld/memory.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/esp-idf/esp_system/ld/
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.api.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.libgcc.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-data.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.syscalls.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-funcs.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/soc/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld
-- DEBUG: Use esp-modbus component folder: C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/managed_components/espressif__esp-modbus.
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
ESP Insights Project commit: HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
ESP RainMaker Project commit: HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND
CMake Error at managed_components/espressif__arduino-esp32/CMakeLists.txt:367 (message):
  esp32-arduino requires CONFIG_FREERTOS_HZ=1000 (currently 100)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
cmake failed with exit code 1, output of the command is in the C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build\log\idf_py_stderr_output_16892 and C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build\log\idf_py_stdout_output_16892

Posts: 2457
Joined: Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:00 pm

Re: can't get arduino as a component to work in esp-ide 3.0.0 with idf V5.3.1

Postby chegewara » Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:15 am

CMake Error at managed_components/espressif__arduino-esp32/CMakeLists.txt:367 (message):
esp32-arduino requires CONFIG_FREERTOS_HZ=1000 (currently 100)
Error message is straight. You have to run menuconfig and change this option.

Posts: 916
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:20 pm

Re: can't get arduino as a component to work in esp-ide 3.0.0 with idf V5.3.1

Postby lbernstone » Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:24 am

Those instructions are getting a little old. I would recommend using vscode and the Espressif plugin for this. You can simply choose the arduino template to start a new project and it should get you to a condition that will compile.
The default settings for sdkconfig can be found in the lib-builder.

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