Lol. I am having the same issue trying to calibrate my thermistor. Hard to determine what the actual temp should be to then calibrate the thermistor! Different thermometers show different readings, take time to do final reading and hard keep something at even temp whilst it all happens

With regard to the reading, I believe I am getting 16 as using 32768 to calculate the mV seems to work. So, assume I must have an ads1115.
One thing I noticed was that I was connecting the read point to 2 pins of the ADS1x15 and also one pin to the ESP's ADC. In this mode the ESP's ADC was reading far too low but the other 2 were correct. If I then switch that to be 1 to the ADS1x15 and 2 to the ESP's ADC the ESP reads correctly (albeit not as accurate as the ADS1x15) but the ADS1x15 reads incorrectly. I assume it is because they use a different way of determining the value which conflicts? Is it worth putting an external cap to gnd from the read point? I see the ESP docs recommend a 100nF although I think the ADS1x15 has them built in so might conflict?
A huge thank you once again for all your help and patience with this. I am hoping this thread will help others. Now need to figure out a neater way of setting the bits for the config to make it readable. At the moment I am doing an offline calc and putting in the decimal number