It looks like you're off to a good start with your design, but there are a few things worth adjusting, especially regarding GPIO usage and ensuring stability. The ESP32-S3-MINI-1U has some specific GPIOs that are best left alone. Here are a few suggestions:
1. GPIOs to avoid
GPIO6-11: These pins are typically reserved for internal flash SPI communication. Using them (like GPIO6 and GPIO10 for analog inputs) might cause instability or boot issues.
GPIO12: This pin can cause boot problems if it's high during startup.
GPIO0: You’ve set it up with a pull-up and reset, which is correct, but be mindful that this pin is used for boot mode selection. Use it carefully in your design.
2. Analog inputs (ADC)
Replace GPIO6, GPIO8, and GPIO10 with other pins that are safer for analog inputs. For example, GPIO36 and GPIO39 are great choices for ADC and won’t interfere with internal functionality.
3. SPI
Your SPI setup looks fine. You're using dedicated GPIOs for SPI, and GPIO48 for the SPI clock is a correct choice.
4. Other outputs
GPIO26, GPIO33, and GPIO35 are safe choices and should work well for LEDs and relay control.
5. Additional tips
Decoupling capacitors: Make sure you’ve added 0.1 µF capacitors close to the VCC and GND pins for proper power supply filtering.
Grounding: Ensure a solid ground connection, especially for SPI and analog inputs, to minimize noise.
Programming setup: If you're using UART for flashing, double-check that your auto-reset circuit (EN and GPIO0 connected to DTR and RTS of the programmer) is correctly wired.
Change GPIO6, GPIO8, and GPIO10 for something more suitable, and the rest of your setup looks promising! Let us know how it goes!