how to proceed, critical analog value that controls the behaviour of the esp32

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how to proceed, critical analog value that controls the behaviour of the esp32

Postby PollysCracker » Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:35 pm


I have practicly no expierence yet with ESP boards, i am fairly new with arduino boards but they simply can not compete with esp32 or even esp2866(unless the MKR family), hence i've descided to switch to the esp32 boards.
scouring through the datasheets, docs and examples, the amount of extra things it can do but also the level of complication is mindbending compared to arduino.
With all these possibilities i'm having difficulty seeing the tree through the woods.

For my project I have a mission critical analog input value that will determine the behaviour of the mcu, I was also looking into the sleep modes.
Basicly i want to minimize power consumption to a max. So i am wondering what my options are to continously, and fast paced, check for this value to change, in the scope of mere miliseconds when the value changes, the mcu needs to wake up and at the same time before and after wake up keep track of the total change that occured on that value, the analog value is a feedback from an external sensor that represents an angle value(0-360), it is used to keep track of total turns taken etc.

While the mcu is fully awake i was considering using timerinterrupts to check this value every couple of miliseconds (10-50ms), but when the mcu is in sleep mode these interrupts won't work or they can but will wake up the device everytime and we can't have that.
I stumbled upon the ULP coprocessor but that looks pretty complicated for me as the newbie i am.

Can anyone point me a direction on how to proceed, i think i'll have to go with the ULP coprocessor but i want to know what are all the options the esp32 offers that can deliver me the reliability and efficiëncy i am looking for.

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