ESP BLUFI - checksum error

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ESP BLUFI - checksum error

Postby shamsul » Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:20 pm

Hello All,
I'm using the Blufi example and EspBlufi app to configure WiFi ssid and password in esp32. In the app, when I try to configure the BLUFI_DEVICE, I get checksum error and esp32 gets disconnected. Please see the error below
I (322) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address f rom BLK0 of EFUSE
I (682) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BD ADDR: 24:0a:c4:05:6a:a2


I (692) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI init finish

E (25752) BT:
device is connected 78:8f:7d:86:a3:ef, server_if=3,reason=0x0,connect_id=3

I (25752) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

E (33702) BT:
device is disconnected 78:8f:7d:86:a3:ef, server_if=3,reason=0x13,connect_id=3

I (33702) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

E (63392) BT:
device is connected 78:8f:7d:86:a3:ef, server_if=3,reason=0x0,connect_id=3

I (63392) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

E (63482) BT: MTU request PDU with MTU size 64

E (65242) BT: btc_blufi_recv_handler checksum error b894, pkt 4bef

E (70362) BT:
device is disconnected 78:8f:7d:86:a3:ef, server_if=3,reason=0x13,connect_id=3
I've search the forum and saw nobody has this problem before :( . What I understand, the blufi_recv_handler cannot match the checksum and checksum packet. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me solving this problem.

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