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Postby robkiller » Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:43 am

I am about to start a new project and found esp32 NOW. I have a few questions to see if it can do what I want.

I want to set up 1 ESP32 that will monitor multiple analog sensors.

I want multiple (2) ESP32 units to read and display those results on a colored touch lcd screen.

The touch lcd screens will have a few touch buttons on the screen both identical buttons to activate a relay on the main esp32 that has the sensors attached to it.

I feel this is possible using esp32 Now, but I am not sure if I am missing anything. The program loaded on the ESP32 that has the sensor will be different then the programing on the boards for the 2 other ESP32 boards. Will that be a problem?

Thanks for the advice!

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Postby MicroController » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:28 pm

I feel this is possible using esp32 Now
And it very much is.
The program loaded on the ESP32 that has the sensor will be different then the programing on the boards for the 2 other ESP32 boards. Will that be a problem?
Absolutely no problem.

You can decide if you want to use broadcasts to send the same message at the same time to all listening ESP's in range or if you want to send identical or different messages to each individual ESP.

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