LLVM for Xtensa

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Re: LLVM for Xtensa

Postby jgustavoam » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:15 am

I've been working with Golang for a few months now, despite not being a professional programmer.
Very fascinated with simplicity and efficiency. I've done some tests with Tiny Go with another microcontroller.

My dream is to use Go to program all microcontrollers. And forget about the complexity of the C++ language.
I will test with ESP32 using TinyGo. Thanks
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Re: LLVM for Xtensa

Postby crackwitz » Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:26 pm

You know what would thrill me? Running a Julia REPL on an ESP32. Julia uses LLVM to compile inputs to the REPL. That would probably need LLVM to run on the ESP32 itself.

Just a thought ;)

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