In portmacro.h the ESP-IDF seems to hardwire the FreeRTOS macro to the xthal_get_ccount() function. The problem with this approach is that with the runtime stats counter being a 32bit value it wraps within <18secs making the functionality over little value.
In order to overcome this restriction I changed portmacro.h as follows:
Code: Select all
void halTIMER_InitRtosStats(void) ;
uint32_t halTIMER_ReadRtosStats(void) ;
#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE() halTIMER_ReadRtosStats()
//#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE() xthal_get_ccount()
Code: Select all
#define configSTATS_CLOCK_DIVISOR value between 10000
static uint32_t LastClock, RunTime, DifClock ;
uint32_t halTIMER_ReadRtosStats(void) {
DifClock = xthal_get_ccount() - LastClock ;
RunTime += (DifClock / configSTATS_CLOCK_DIVISOR) ;
LastClock = xthal_get_ccount() ;
return RunTime ;
void halTIMER_InitRtosStats(void) {
LastClock = xthal_get_ccount() ; // setup initial value for task statistics
RunTime = 0 ;
The function used to read and display the task info is exactly the same as that used in a Cortex M4/CC3200LP based platform with the only additional (conditional compilation) code being that to read and display the MCU affinity information.
I expected the results to be reasonably consistent but with the total% to be around 200% as a result of the dual MCU's but alas this is not the case, it is completely random, as you can see below.
Any suggestions?
Also, if you can please help with some background information on each of the tasks, just to understand what they do, it would be much appreciated.
Code: Select all
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 0.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.00| 2780193| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.01| 87944804| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 1.00|2312935194| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 1.00| 83752026| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.00| 1084760| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 0.00| 1781634| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.00| 15959| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | P | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781655| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781650| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 2.01 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:10:15 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 |43.06| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 4.31| 2788172| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 |59.53| 168720084| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 |17.56|3189820339| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 |12.00| 179959340| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.01| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 3.21| 2287963| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 |50.52| 33850775| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.23| 159347| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 2.09| 1781696| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 2.09| 1781668| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 194.61 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:10:27 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 2.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.01| 2796141| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 3.02| 249360130| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.01|4039981436| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 2.01| 244097701| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.03| 3355740| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 1.03| 58793480| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.02| 278837| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781729| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781685| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 8.13 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:10:39 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 1.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.01| 2804108| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 1.00| 331781784| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 1.01| 595175179| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 0.01| 320715292| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.00| 4471308| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 1.00| 85517797| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.01| 398328| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781765| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781702| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 4.04 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:10:51 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 0.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.00| 2812074| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.00| 412541148| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.00|1470278722| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 1.00| 420493774| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.00| 5682486| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 1.01| 119368544| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.00| 549683| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781803| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781719| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 2.01 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 |192.29| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 |18.61| 2820040| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 |138.21| 493244842| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 |90.09|2332910974| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 |283.54| 514919470| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.05| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 |45.09| 6885699| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 |103.00| 144311264| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 4.54| 661207| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 |11.42| 1781841| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 |11.42| 1781719| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 898.26 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:11:03 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 2.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.02| 2828010| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 1.01| 573972334| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 2.03|3204451256| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 1.00| 614697969| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.03| 8104846| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 0.03| 178162017| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.03| 812561| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781880| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781736| 1 | TskSntp
Total% = 6.15 - Heap: 236,236 / 238,184 / 285,968
CPU=1 Date/time in SA is Sun Mar 26 23:11:15 2017
|F# | Pc/Pb | S | LoStk |%Util|TimerTicks|MCU|-Name-
| 1 | 24/24 | B | 4,176 | 0.00| 1| 0 | ipc0
| 2 | 24/24 | B | 3,616 | 1.00| 758965697| 1 | ipc1
| 3 | 1/ 1 | R | 8,992 | 0.01| 2835977| 0 | main
| 4 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.00| 654588539| 0 | IDLE
| 5 | 0/ 0 | P | 3,456 | 0.01|4047485870| 1 | IDLE
| 6 | 1/ 1 | B | 7,024 | 0.00| 3| 0 | Tmr Svc
| 7 | 18/18 | B | 4,016 | 1.01| 684181147| X | tiT
| 8 | 20/20 | B | 1,568 | 0.00| 8049| 0 | eventTask
| 9 | 23/23 | B | 5,808 | 0.00| 9188547| 0 | ppT
|10 | 21/21 | B | 3,984 | 1.01| 203104721| X | pmT
|11 | 22/22 | B |11,920 | 0.00| 924085| X | rtT
|12 | 5/ 5 | B | 6,480 | 0.00| 1781912| 1 | TskBlink
|13 | 5/ 5 | B | 2,224 | 0.00| 1781753| 1 | TskSntp