Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

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Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby Smartisan » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:02 am

We once use the d0wd which size 6*6 or smaller 5*5,but the flash is outside. The different between the d2wd and the d0wd is the flash inside or outside the chip.We once think so. Because the Hardware guide book and so many tech books don't say any other difference between the d2wd and d0wd. But when we use the d2wd instead of the d0wd, the bug and difficulties let us get in trouble, trouble ,trouble!!! First the download flash tool don't update, the old verson doesn't support the d2wd ,so you can't download program in the d2wd. You know how difficult we found this bug?Yes very sad and angry. So we report this bug to 乐鑫,they upadte the tool. Second the IDF also don't support the d2wd, the old verson 2.0rc don't support d2wd ,那个时候我们简直就要崩溃了好吗,乐鑫只是生产出来一片内置flash的芯片,但是其他的任何工作都没做就敢推出来了,这种对用户不负责任的做法,让我们在开发过程中遇到了无比的困难。最后就是d2wd的供电问题,原先的版本供电范围宽,2.8-4.0之间的电压都能够工作,但是,现在d2wd到了3.5V就开始不停的复位,重新恢复到3.3V就一切正常了,so i think the d2wd itself mang bugs and the hardware still not relrease ,it should be test many time and the tech books don't say so many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby ESP_Sprite » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:23 am

I'm sorry that you assumed the D2WD is exactly the same as the D0WD; because the flash is connected to different internal I/O pads, that is just not true, and hence needs an up-to-date ESP-IDF. Also, my apologies for the fact that the flash tool was not updated; most developers use the internal esptool.py in esp-idf, which always will have the latest version of the update protocols. However, I would posit that if you use either the master branch of esp-idf, or the 2.1 release, you won't run into any problems using a D2WD chip; that is the setup we use internally to test everything. Also, where did you read the D2WD could work up to 4.0V?

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby Smartisan » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:20 am

We have yet use the 3.3v-4v power supply for d0wd to work ,so as you know the d0wd can work in a wide voltage. Because we use the battery which work in 4.0v at the first and the d0wd can run well although maybe a little hot the chip. But now the d2wd only can be work in a tight voltage which maybe just 3.3 reght or left. I think the espressif should test the chip's reset when it work in 3.5V,3.6V,and the chip must be in reset reset reset.

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby Smartisan » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:25 am

ESP_Sprite wrote:I'm sorry that you assumed the D2WD is exactly the same as the D0WD; because the flash is connected to different internal I/O pads, that is just not true, and hence needs an up-to-date ESP-IDF. Also, my apologies for the fact that the flash tool was not updated; most developers use the internal esptool.py in esp-idf, which always will have the latest version of the update protocols. However, I would posit that if you use either the master branch of esp-idf, or the 2.1 release, you won't run into any problems using a D2WD chip; that is the setup we use internally to test everything. Also, where did you read the D2WD could work up to 4.0V?

I only want to ask you which the voltage the esp32 d2wd can work? 3.3V 3.4V or 3.5V? We want to have the exact answer because when we let the chip work in 3.5V(i think in this voltage the chip can work well) but the chip always reset for itself but when we let the chip work in 3.3V it can work well. So we are so curious about it.

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby ESP_igrr » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:37 am

Just checking the obvious: do you know that in D2WD the internal flash is a 1.8V part, and you need to bootstrap gpio12 appropriately to select 1.8V VDDSDIO? If you don't do that, the flash die may get more than a bit hot.

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby Smartisan » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:48 am

ESP_igrr wrote:Just checking the obvious: do you know that in D2WD the internal flash is a 1.8V part, and you need to bootstrap gpio12 appropriately to select 1.8V VDDSDIO? If you don't do that, the flash die may get more than a bit hot.
Can you tell me which voltage we could provide for the esp32 d2wd to work? 3.3V 3.4V or 3.5V??? The way you say will try it, as the way you say the reset is caused by the flash???

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby ESP_igrr » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:07 am

Supply voltage range is 2.3-3.6V, same as for D0WD.

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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby Smartisan » Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:03 am

ESP_igrr wrote:Supply voltage range is 2.3-3.6V, same as for D0WD.

I think you should test the chip esp32 d2wd , when you supply the voltage over 3.3v the chip will reset reset and reset.

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rudi ;-)
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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby rudi ;-) » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:27 pm

Smartisan wrote:
ESP_igrr wrote:Supply voltage range is 2.3-3.6V, same as for D0WD.

I think you should test the chip esp32 d2wd , when you supply the voltage over 3.3v the chip will reset reset and reset.

i think there is a big missunderstood here.


the D2WD works very well in the supply 2.3 - 3.6V itself.


cause D2WD has eMbeddedFlash inside for your firmware,
and this eMbeddedFlash is working only with 1.8 V
and this 1.8 V comes from intern Reguldator of the D2WD ( named VDD_SDIO )
you must set the bootstrap pin "MTDI " high for D2WD
this means, you must connect the "MTDI" pulled up to 3.3V

if you use the flash download tool supported D2WD

but backto your reset resest reset

please post the log for this - there are some infos in the log what is going wrong.
can you please post your reset reset reset log
thank you

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rudi ;-)
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rudi ;-)
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Re: Look out,I found so many problems with the d2wd!

Postby rudi ;-) » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:42 pm


D2WD works well:

have a look here in this thread and this postings

hope this helps further

and please
post the reset reset reset log - this helps us to find out what's going wrong and why.

perhabs you can start simply the read ID prozess
can you communicate with the eMbeddedFlash?

example ( use the newer esptool version please )

Code: Select all

make flash_id
hello word
esptool.py v2.0-beta3
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Manufacturer: 9d
Device: 7015
Hard resetting...

thank you

best wishes
rudi ;-)
love it, change it or leave it.

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