I don't get how wi-fi 6 works with the esp32-c6.
I am writing code for an esp32 Wi-Fi 6 Weather Station which will be take readings and then communicating via Wi-Fi to an MQTT server as well as a weather service for a total of about 1 second, and then be asleep for 15 minutes, after which time it will repeat that cycle.
In my testing the wifi-6 connection would only stay connected over the long term if the board went into automatic light sleep, which uses a bunch of current, for the entire sleep period - which is a far cry from what the people are talking about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaoozZDanuM&t=105s
It may be an issue with my access point, but that is how the esp32-c6 is working for me on my network.
Also, while I 've read the documentation here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp ... er=9481882 and I'm not fully clear on Targeted Wake Time (which may be part of the problem).
Fundamentally, I have two questions:
1. For the use case above, is the TWT:
(a) the 1 second which my device will be awake and communicating with the Access Point, or
(b) the 15 minutes after it finishing publishing to MQTTT, which it is targeted to asleep for and then wake up again?
The way I read the IEEE documentation, was that the answer should be (a) - with (b) being something called 'Doze', but I would love to have the confirmed.
2. If the answer to the question above is (b) how does the esp32-c6 know how to wake up. Can you just set a deep sleep timer for 15 minutes and it should be able to communicate over Wi-Fi without reconnecting once it comes out of deep sleep? If this is the case, I just couldn't get that to work at all for a 15 minute sleep time.
I've looked at Espressif's itwt example, but it didn't help because it doesn't show the program going to sleep.
Here is the code I have written and the power consumption results I have been getting:
Thanks in advance, I'd appreciate any insights you may have.
esp32-c6 and WiFi 6
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