not recognized

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Re: not recognized

Postby Jorgen » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:35 am

Dear José Michel,

Thank you for your reply and your effort. I appreciate it.

You have pointed out some differences between your and my installations. I wonder why the differences are there. I use version 5.0.1 and you version 5.0.0. I do hope someone from the development team will pursue this.

Did you add the three lines to your system path variables by hand or was it done by the installation process?

Do you use Visual Studio Code with ESP-IDF and nothing else?

Did you install first Visual Studio Code and then ESP-IDF as an extension or did you install ESP-IDF first, then Visual Studio Code and finally used the command ESP-IDF: Configure the ESP-IDF within VS Code?


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Re: not recognized

Postby joseMiguel » Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:48 pm

Hi Jorgen,

Yes i am using only vscode and esp-idf

I have installed first Visual Studio Code and then ESP-IDF extension. (The result is normally the same)
(I used Command palettle -> ESP-IDF: New Project)

I added the three environment variables by hand

Kind regards

José Michel
José Michel

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Re: not recognized

Postby Jorgen » Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:33 pm

Dear José Miguel,

Thank you very much for your replies. I have tried your suggestions, but I have not managed to get working. I have de-installed and re-installed both Visual Studio Code and ESP-IDF. I have run the batch files, but my problem remained. I have spent 1½ day solid on it.

Now, I give up on Visual Studio Code + ESP-IDF extension.

In my searching for information, I learned that Espressif has an own IDE, which is Eclipse like. One has to install the ESP-IDF directly and check the option to install the IDE including an icon on the desktop. I have listened to two videos on how to use the IDE. It seems to offer the possibilities I find useful developing code such as a debugger with stop, step and run commands. Graphs of memory usage and tracing of variables. I will explore it further.

Thanks for now.


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Re: not recognized

Postby joseMiguel » Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:39 am

Hi Jorgen,

I think that before give up, which is the python version you download from for windows.
This version is used by vscode.

Code: Select all

In a Terminal command prompt
type 1) install.bat
It install the very first time the python virtual environment corresponding to you esp-idf version
then type 2) export.bat
then you have

>> In the C:\Users\josem\.espressif directory
>> you have esp-idf.json and idf-env.json
>> you can see in it the configuration

Hope it helps you Jorgen

José Michel
José Michel

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Re: not recognized

Postby silbstep » Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:49 am

Hi Jorgen, I have the same problem, i.e. does not run in the powershell terminal which is opened by clicking Teminal and then New Terminal. However I get round this by opening an ESP-IDF terminal, this can be done by pressing ctrl E, releasing and then pressing t, or by pressing F1 to bring up the command pallet, type in ESP-IDF to filter out unwanted commands and then find Open ESD-IDF Terminal and click on it. Within the ESP-IDF terminal works perfectly. Note that I did install the environment variables by hand.

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Re: not recognized

Postby Phil94 » Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:41 am

Thanks silbstep, I had the same problem and I can confirm that your key combination solves it.

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Re: not recognized

Postby Maziar111 » Sun Jul 21, 2024 7:59 pm

Thank you silbstep this worked for me

Posts: 14
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Re: not recognized

Postby wolfrose » Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:25 pm

ESP_Roland wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:11 am
I recommend to you to remove all environment variables you set manually. They will cause you trouble now or later.

It is advised to use the Windows installer ( ... setup.html) which will set up your environment.
Thanks man ! That solved my problem :)

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