Uploading CAM picture to my website

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Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:24 pm

Uploading CAM picture to my website

Postby Investigator_01 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:46 pm


I like to upload for example every 5 minutes a picture (dimensions etc.) named "cam.jpg" to my https encrypted website using an ESP32-cam device.
There are found several examples on the internet using only a WIFI connection with the result that a picture can be observed with any device on the same WIFI network but not on internet
However I would like to upload the pictures to a HTTPS encrypted website (my own website) using for example an Arduino sketch.
I suppose that I may upload with FTP. Then I need to specify the Hostname, the Username and the Password in the sketch as well as the credentials to establish a WIFI connection.

Is such a sketch as an example available?
Maybe I have to add some additional libraries?

Thank you for your help.

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