According to the update for 2.4 of the AT commands, BLE 5.0 features should be supported. We don't see support for selecting the coded-phy in the advertisement.
Moreover, the documentation for ESP AT 2.4 says this:
Currently, both ESP32 and ESP32-C3 support Bluetooth LE commands. AT firmware for ESP32 series and ESP32-C3 series supports Bluetooth® Core Specification Version 4.2. Next AT firmware for ESP32-C3 will support Bluetooth® Core Specification Version 5.0.
But the release notes for 2.4 say this:
1.5 Bluetooth
Support disabling BLE SPP auto-conn mode
Support setting BLE HID name
Support filtering scan result
Support BLE 5.0 features
Do the AT commands support the coded phy in 2.4? If not, when can we expect them to be added?
BLE Coded Phy in AT Commands
Re: BLE Coded Phy in AT Commands
ESP32C3 AT release v2.4 already supports ble 5.0, no special selection is required when compiling, the new AT commands in BLE 5.0 are as follows:
BLE_AT_Commands: ... mands.html
ESP32C3 AT release v2.4 already supports ble 5.0, no special selection is required when compiling, the new AT commands in BLE 5.0 are as follows:
Code: Select all
AT+BLEPERIODICDATA: Set Bluetooth LE periodic advertising data.
AT+BLEPERIODICSTART: Start Bluetooth LE periodic advertising.
AT+BLEPERIODICSTOP: Stop Bluetooth LE periodic advertising.
AT+BLESYNCSTART: Start to synchronize with periodic advertising.
AT+BLESYNCSTOP: Stop synchronizing with periodic advertising.
AT+BLEREADPHY: Query the current transmitter PHY.
AT+BLESETPHY: Set the current transmitter PHY.
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