full MMU/MPU documentation

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full MMU/MPU documentation

Postby itay2805 » Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:17 pm

I started playing with the ESP32 builtin MMU and MPU (together with the PID controller of course) to try and create isolated apps. Sadly it seems that the documentation is really lacking in regards to the actual MMU configuration, specifically with Invalid Access interrupts.

Looking at the spec it does mention these interrupts but never actually says anything about them, also it seems that the spec is wrong when comparing it with the esp-idf dport_reg.h.

For example the spec says the lowest bit of DPORT_IMMU_PAGE_MODE is reserved, but the header file says its the enable bit...

Would it be possible to get a complete documentation of the MMU/MPU? The hardware seems really awesome and its sad that nothing seems to be using it...

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Re: full MMU/MPU documentation

Postby ESP_Lvxinyue » Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:45 am

Thanks for your feedback. The lowest bit of DPORT_IMMU_PAGE_MODE is indeed reserved, what the header file says is incorrect.
We are going to update the MMU/MPU section in the Technical Reference Manual. Subscribe https://www.espressif.com/en/subscribe to espressif.com so you don't miss the update.

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