ESP 32 - BLE - WiFi Coexistance

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ESP 32 - BLE - WiFi Coexistance

Postby rammkumar » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:08 pm

Hi , Want to know if one ESP-32 WROOM 32 Dev-kit C is capable of connecting 6 other ESP-32 WROOM 32 Dev-kit C using BLE, receive data using GATT service and simultaneously connect to WiFi to transfer the received data to cloud (AWS server).In a nutshell, receive data through BLE and parallelly send the data to cloud. Would like to know if i am heading the right way choosing ESP-32 WROOM 32 Dev-kit-C controller for the above mentioned application.

Aussie Susan
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:48 am

Re: ESP 32 - BLE - WiFi Coexistance

Postby Aussie Susan » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:13 am

My app scans for BLE servers, connects and reads the characteristic values it is interested in and then sends those to an MQTT hub via WiFi.
I'm not doing anything fancy such as turning BLE or WiFI on or off (except to turn both on at the start of the app) but neither am I trying to overlap BLE and WiFI communications and it is all working well.

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