Not able to write Mqtt cert in v3.2.0.0 ESP32-WROOM-32

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Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:28 am

Not able to write Mqtt cert in v3.2.0.0 ESP32-WROOM-32

Postby chiragteksun » Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:24 pm

Using ESP32 Flash Download Tool Download v3.2.0.0 in ESP 32 wroom 32,

After when give AT+SYSFLASH? then we are able to see only two 2 partition not able to see Mqtt client server partition,in 0x37000 address we are try to write the Mqtt cert but we are not able to write it,

But when Download v2.1.0.0 and give AT+SYSFLASH? at that time we are able to see all partition and we are able to write the Mqtt cert.

so in new version how we can write the Mqtt cert?

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Joined: Mon May 09, 2022 3:00 am

Re: Not able to write Mqtt cert in v3.2.0.0 ESP32-WROOM-32

Postby esp-at » Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:07 am

You can refer to Breaking changes of v3.2.0.0. ... g/v3.2.0.0

In short, you can use AT+SYSMFG command to operate PKI items. ... cmd-sysmfg

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Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:28 am

Re: Not able to write Mqtt cert in v3.2.0.0 ESP32-WROOM-32

Postby chiragteksun » Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:03 pm

Ok thank you for your response,

using AT+SYSMFG i am trying to write client.cert,i used Arduino serial port for write the data,
using AT+SYSMFG=2,"client_cert","client_cert.0",8,1164 i write the data, after write data when i read data using AT+SYSMFG=1,"client_cert","client_cert.0",I read below data in one line,
so how i can add the new line when we used serial terminal?

+SYSMFG:"client_cert","client_cert.0",8,1164,\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \ "MIIDLTCCAhWgAwIBAgIJAN6LrsW0Qt2FMA0GC........

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