How to resolve ESP32 AP to a name?

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Re: How to resolve ESP32 AP to a name?

Postby » Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:58 am

The most reliable way to do this is to setup a proper DNS host name in your local WiFi router (most routers have point-and-click interfaces for this). Every device in your home/office/wherever should have a proper (preferably short) host name. To hell with typing 192.168.1.whatever into your browser just to get to your cam!

Failing that, hack the IP address into your system's hosts file. A few seconds later you can access your ESP32 at

Code: Select all

or whatever. Quick and dirty, yes, but the local hosts file is usually also the first place a system will look to match a host name; so quick and quicker.

Next would be the ESP32's built-in AP (again, it's worth keeping

Code: Select all  32 esp damnit
(use your own host names, of course) in your local hosts file at all times, cuz why not?

And lastly, maybe, mDNS.

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Re: How to resolve ESP32 AP to a name?

Postby esp-at » Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:36 am

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