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"Error: No such command 'set-target'." I got.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:50 pm
by Kent_Kimura
I'm a newbie of ESP-IDF from Arduino user.
Recently, I have started my project on ESP-IDF, and successed to flash some example code to my ESP32 on ESP-IDF Command Prompt,windows10.
However, I'm in trouble to build an example code of rainmaker.
According to the introduction to Build and Flash firmware, There are some commands such like "export" or "set-target" are not recognized on windows ESP-IDF Command Prompt.
After that tried to build a example of led_light, I got a error massage
"ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ninja failed with exit code 1"

Re: "Error: No such command 'set-target'." I got.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:58 pm
by ESP_krzychb
Hi Kent_Kimura,

Welcome to the forum :D

If you are able to flash some example code to your ESP32 on ESP-IDF Command Prompt and still getting "Error: No such command 'set-target'", then likely you are using some earlier version of ESP-IDF where this command has not been yet implemented, e.g. v4.0.1.

For esp-rainmaker to work, following Set up Host environment, master branch of ESP-IDF should be used.

To verify esp-idf version please run:

Code: Select all --version
Regarding not recognized "export" command, I assume you refer to commands under Build and Flash firmware. If so, then for Windows, instead of

Code: Select all

export ESPPORT=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART #Set your ESP32-S2's serial port here
you should run

Code: Select all

Where COMN should be the port where your board is connected to, e.g. COM4.

Note: this topic has been moved to "ESP RainMaker" subforum.