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Postby tyethgundry » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:32 pm

Hi, I need to setup the Microchip CEC1702 (DM990013 development board) with the cloud, and it has no connectivity so I was planning to use the esp32 in slave mode, then I thought maybe the ESP32 has something (like Rainmaker) that does everything I need, so here I am.

My Question is whether I can use the CEC1702 as an external secure chip to provide the key for provisioning (I read that ESP32-S2 has the ability to do other provisioning mode but my ESPv1 doesnt and the reason ESP32 requires device host registration is the lack of initalised secure efuse key storage, which the CEC1702 offers).

Secondly after reading about the new Local Control to reduce BLE latency via the cloud connection (AWS) when controlling philips Hue bulbs, it then occurred to me to ask if you plan to support other cloud providers as I am specifically required to use Azure :( Happy to do some hybrid (Azure functions etc) solution if not.

Also just thanks, the Espressif brand gives me hope for a better way.

Also if anyone reads this and doesn't know about Long Range (1km+) Wi-Fi that the ESP32 supports then now you do!

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Re: CEC1702

Postby ESP_Piyush » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:03 pm

Sorry for the very late reply. Note that the secret key in ESP32-S2 is just used to identify valid ESP32-S2s in field by using a challenge-response logic in claiming. However, this is not a mandatory piece in the overall RainMaker workflow. RainMaker deployments can have alternate mechanisms for provisioning the certificates (like pre programmed certificates, external chip, etc.).

With regards to support for other cloud platforms, we do not have any plans to support them in near future. In the long term, we may choose to do so if required, but I cannot comment on it right now.

Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:02 pm

Re: CEC1702

Postby tyethgundry » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:09 pm

Thanks Piyush! That claiming link in the docs was particularly helpful :ugeek:

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