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On Chip Debugging of Memory (stack/heaps/etc) in VScode

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:03 am
by Timmwardion
Over the past few weeks I've been getting a crazy number of memory errors as I evolve my code, so I finally bit the bullet and dug into getting JTAG and IDF debugging working. Clearly I need to get into the weeds on how memory is being allocated.

Now - code-level debugging is working just fine, but I'd really like to be able to monitor the heap allocation and other memory operations as I go, and the VSCode debugging tab has the tantalising "memory" section but I can't seem to find any real tutorials or articles on how to get that happening.

ESP-IDF docs have a section on GDB, and I know GDB is important in feeding that info into VSCode, but I can't find anything that can help me get the two working well together.

Has anyone else been able to get the memory debugging part of VSCode working for an ESP-IDF project? Do you have any pointers?

I've also been able to create some output files that can be consumed by Segger which has been interesting - possibly a bit overwhelming though for my purposes.

Re: On Chip Debugging of Memory (stack/heaps/etc) in VScode

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:57 am
by ESP_bignacio