Hello together,
I have installed an application firmware in the flash of ESP32-C3-Mini-1 and want to temporarily load the test firmware (ESP32-C3_ECO3_RF_TEST_BIN_V104_20210628.bin) in RAM of this radio module to use the EspRFTestTool.
There is an option "RAM" in the EspRFTestTool, that should do the job, but when I click on the test buttons after I "Load bin" into "RAM", the ESP32-C3-Mini-1 does not run the selected test mode.
I'm not sure, if the EspRFTestTool performs a reset of the radio module after flashing the FW into RAM, but this should not happen.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot,
BR Hauser
EspRFTestTool: How to download test firmware in RAM (only)
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