entry 0x4008064c
I (31) boot: ESP-IDF v5.1.2-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (31) boot: compile time Mar 26 2024 10:50:02
I (31) boot: Multicore bootloader
I (36) boot: chip revision: v3.1
I (40) boot.esp32: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (44) boot.esp32: SPI Mode : DIO
I (49) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (53) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (59) boot: Partition Table:
I (62) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (70) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 0000d000 00008000
I (77) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 00015000 0000b000
I (85) boot: 2 ota_0 OTA app 00 10 00020000 001d0000
I (92) boot: 3 ota_1 OTA app 00 11 001f0000 001d0000
I (100) boot: End of partition table
I (104) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00020020 vaddr=3f400020 size=39bd8h (236504) map
I (198) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00059c00 vaddr=3ff80000 size=00004h ( 4) load
I (198) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00059c0c vaddr=3ffbdb60 size=0640ch ( 25612) load
I (214) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00060020 vaddr=400d0020 size=d8098h (884888) map
I (533) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=001380c0 vaddr=3ffc3f6c size=00d8ch ( 3468) load
I (535) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=00138e54 vaddr=40080000 size=1d730h (120624) load
I (605) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x20000
I (605) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (616) cpu_start: Multicore app
I (617) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (617) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x4008155c
0x4008155c: call_start_cpu1 at D:/Program/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.2/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:157
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (635) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (635) cpu_start: cpu freq: 240000000 Hz
I (635) cpu_start: Application information:
I (639) cpu_start: Project name: wifi_router
I (645) cpu_start: App version: 1
I (649) cpu_start: Compile time: Mar 26 2024 10:49:42
I (655) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 2109d4ff93f4a001...
I (661) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v5.1.2-dirty
I (666) cpu_start: Min chip rev: v0.0
I (671) cpu_start: Max chip rev: v3.99
I (676) cpu_start: Chip rev: v3.1
I (681) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (688) heap_init: At 3FFAFF10 len 000000F0 (0 KiB): DRAM
I (694) heap_init: At 3FFB6388 len 00001C78 (7 KiB): DRAM
I (700) heap_init: At 3FFB9A20 len 00004108 (16 KiB): DRAM
I (706) heap_init: At 3FFCB9B8 len 00014648 (81 KiB): DRAM
I (712) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (719) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (725) heap_init: At 4009D730 len 000028D0 (10 KiB): IRAM
I (733) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (736) spi_flash: flash io: dio
I (740) esp_core_dump_flash: Init core dump to flash
E (746) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
E (752) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
I (758) coexist: coex firmware version: b6d5e8c
I (764) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU0
(768) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU1
mI (768) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (777) main_task: Calling app_main()
I (816) bridge_common: esp-iot-bridge version: 0.11.1
I (818) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffd1374, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (837) wifi:wifi firmware version: 91b9630
I (837) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (837) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (837) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (842) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (846) wifi:Init static rx mgmt buffer num: 5
I (850) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (855) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
I (859) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (863) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 10
I (867) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (872) wifi_init: rx ba win: 6
I (874) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (878) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
I (882) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
I (886) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
I (890) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
I (894) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1460
I (898) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
I (904) phy_init: phy_version 4780,16b31a7,Sep 22 2023,20:42:16
I (975) wifi:mode : null
I (978) bridge_common: IP Address:
I (978) bridge_common: GW Address:
I (978) bridge_common: NM Address:
I (983) bridge_wifi: IP Address:
Add netif ap with (commit id)
I (990) bridge_common: netif list add success
I (996) wifi:mode : softAP (e4:65:b8:6f:8c:41)
I (1000) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 16
I (1004) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
I (1009) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
I (1014) wifi:Disabled PMF config for SoftAP
I (1017) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 16
Add netif sta with (commit id)
I (1024) bridge_common: netif list add success
I (1024) bridge_common: [WIFI_AP_DEF ]Name Server1:
I (1037) wifi:mode : sta (e4:65:b8:6f:8c:40) + softAP (e4:65:b8:6f:8c:41)
I (1043) wifi:enable tsf
I (1046) bridge_wifi: Found ssid 123
I (1047) esp_netif_lwip: DHCP server started on interface WIFI_AP_DEF with IP:
I (1058) bridge_common: [WIFI_AP_DEF ]Name Server1:
I (1065) bridge_wifi: Found password 12345678
I (1070) wifi:Disabled PMF config for STA
I (1073) bridge_wifi: [esp_bridge_wifi_set_config] softap ssid: ESP_Bridge password: 12345678
I (1251) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 16
I (1253) esp_netif_lwip: DHCP server started on interface WIFI_AP_DEF with IP:
I (1257) bridge_common: [WIFI_AP_DEF ]Name Server1:
I (1261) button: IoT Button Version: 2.5.6
I (1266) gpio: GPIO[16]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
start web server
I (1280) wifi_prov_scheme_ble: BT memory released
I (1282) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Starting provisioning
I (1289) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Development mode: using hard coded salt
I (1296) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Development mode: using hard coded verifier
I (1305) wifi:mode : sta (e4:65:b8:6f:8c:40)
I (1311) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [ec4ac65]
I (1315) BTDM_INIT: Bluetooth MAC: e4:65:b8:6f:8c:42
I (1481) protocomm_nimble: BLE Host Task Started
I (1487) wifi_prov_mgr: Provisioning started with service name : PROV_6F8C40
I (1489) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Provisioning started
I (1494) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Scan this QR code from the provisioning application for Provisioning.
I (1502) QRCODE: Encoding below text with ECC LVL 0 & QR Code Version 10
I (1510) QRCODE: {"ver":"v1","name":"PROV_6F8C40","username":"wifiprov","pop":"abcd1234","transport":"ble"}
I (1519) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: advertise;
I (1525) NimBLE: disc_mode=2
I (1529) NimBLE: adv_channel_map=0 own_addr_type=0 adv_filter_policy=0 adv_itvl_min=256 adv_itvl_max=256
I (1539) NimBLE:
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█ ███ █ ▄▀█▄ ▄ ▄ ▀▀█▄▀▀▀▀ █▀▀██ ▄▀
█ ▀▀▀ █ ▄█ ▄ ▀▀ ▀█▄ ▄█ ▀▀█▀▄▀▄ ▀▀
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀▀
I (1772) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: If QR code is not visible, copy paste the below URL in a browser.
https://espressif.github.io/esp-jumpsta ... port":"ble"}
I (1795) main_task: Returned from app_main()
I (14273) protocomm_nimble: mtu update event; conn_handle=0 cid=4 mtu=256
I (16406) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: advertise;
I (16407) NimBLE: disc_mode=2
I (16407) NimBLE: adv_channel_map=0 own_addr_type=0 adv_filter_policy=0 adv_itvl_min=256 adv_itvl_max=256
I (16415) NimBLE:
I (16793) protocomm_nimble: mtu update event; conn_handle=0 cid=4 mtu=256
I (17632) security2: Using salt and verifier to generate public key...
I (29474) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Received Wi-Fi credentials
SSID : 123
Password : 12345678
E (30472) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
E (30473) wifi_prov_mgr: Failed to connect Wi-Fi
I (32878) wifi
I (33051) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (33057) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (33062) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (33082) wifi:connected with 123, aid = 7, channel 6, BW20, bssid = 7e:50:79:e9:a5:2f
I (33083) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -37
I (33085) wifi:pm start, type: 1
I (33112) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 3
I (34092) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (34093) bridge_wifi: Connected with IP Address:
I (34098) bridge_common: [WIFI_AP_DEF ]Name Server1:
I (34105) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Connected with IP Address:
I (34112) wifi_prov_mgr: STA Got IP
I (34116) esp_bridge_wifi_prov_mgr: Provisioning successful
I (35825) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: stop advertising.
I (35829) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: stop advertising.
I (35832) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: terminate connection; conn_handle=0 hci_reason=19
E (35875) protocomm_nimble: Error setting advertisement data; rc = 30
I (35881) wifi_prov_mgr: Provisioning stopped
I (35882) wifi_prov_scheme_ble: BTDM memory released