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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:59 am
by Tadhg_Hwang
硬件:ESP32-S NodeMCU-32 V1.2

编译器:Win10_VS Code, IDF 版本:PS C:\Users\TadhgH\Desktop\esp_mesh\ble_mesh_wifi_coexist> --version >>1.0.1 (此处显示是否存在问题?)

手机端:Android Studio编译生成的apk:EspBLEMeshForAndroid-1.0.0

尝试通过手机蓝牙连接开发板,修改了 menuconfig中的配置来支持PSRAM和掉电保存:
ESP32-specific --> Support for external, SPI-connected RAM --> Try to allocate memories of Wi-Fi and LWIP
Bluetooth --> Bluedriod Enable --> BT/BLE will first malloc the memory from the PSRAM
Bluetooth --> Bluedriod Enable --> Use dynamic memory allocation in BT/BLE stack
Bluetooth --> Bluetooth controlller --> BLE full scan feature supported
WiFi --> Software controls WiFi/Bluetooth coexistence --> Wi-Fi

Component config --> ESP BLE Mesh Support --> Store BLE Mesh configuration persistently

1. 已在附件中提供sdkconfig文件,不确定我在用的开发板是否有PSRAM,首次上电连接并控制灯一切正常
2. 操作测试的时候没有记录手机app中的App Key,清空了app缓存。。。重刷程序后设备一直能被default network识别,但无法再次配网/通过快速配网的设备控制灯。擦除flash、重新烧录其他程序也没用,请问该如何清楚原先储存的配置?谢谢

Re: BLE_MESH_wifi_coexist例程配置问题

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:42 am
by gavinl
ESP32-S3 才有 BLE Mesh, ESP32-S2 是没有BLE的, ESP32有 BLE但不支持Mesh