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(eth2wifi) Get a Mess after a while in Wifi SoftAP mode

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:45 pm
by rudi ;-)
Issues on github


the Ethernet to wifi station data forwarding demo works very well with an extern Wifi Hotspot.
same doing to use the esp32 as own Wifi Hotspot and the Ethernet to wifi softap data forwarding demo
the things works at begin, then after a while of continous stream data 3-5 seconds the stream data becomes a mess.

after a new refresh request the stream begin to work ok and then it work for 3-5 seconds and the mess begins again.

i did not look deeper in the handle of FiFo or ringbuffer, which use the Ethernet to wifi softap data forwarding demo perhabs.
but can you please check or say, can we flush the data ringbuffer or can we setup with more buffer that the datastream does not go confuse anymore`?

sry - the wifi things are in a blob bin
so i can't do anything on a normal way to check the things

My example Setup:

using the ESP32 and LAN8720
works well with the setup demo, works well with the Station Demo.
the hardware setup is not the problem - it works very fine.

just only change from Station to softAP mode
works 3-5 seconds that the stream gets a mess.

i use the original demo code without any change

Ethernet to wifi station data forwarding demo
"wireless adapter"

DEVICE to forward data has LAN -> connected by RJ45 to -> LAN8720 -> ESP32 as Station -> connect to a extern Wifi Hotspot
Device sends continous data stream to the connected client at extern Wifi Hotspot
there is no problem and all works fine

Ethernet to wifi softap data forwarding demo
"WiFi hotspot"

DEVICE to forward data has LAN -> connected by RJ45 to -> LAN8720 -> ESP32 as Wifi Hotspot
Device sends continous data stream to the connected client at ESP32(WifiHotspot)
first 3-5 seconds all ok, then get a mess in data stream

where can you make a flush or increase or better tune the buffer
i think the mistake is in the buffer ( read write forward goes to mess )
in Hotspot Mode.

any suggestion?
it is a very good example - i do not want to miss it
pic1.jpg (238.51 KiB) Viewed 4745 times
thank you
best wishes

Info 1:

i try a step by step to increasing the DMA_RX_BUF_NUM in the MENUCONFIG
pic2.jpg (14.93 KiB) Viewed 4745 times

this helps me in first step and i think the 15 would be enough.
i will try this procedure for now a longer time and update here for success or any.
if you have any other suggestion plz let me know.
pic3.png (28.68 KiB) Viewed 4745 times

Info 2:

no - this increasing helps not. so have someone an idea to solve this leak / mess in "Wifi Hotspot demo" ?

The test data was:
Forward a rich mjpg motion data stream
it works in the Station mode perfectly
but get mess and leak and final broken in softAP mode.

Re: (eth2wifi) Get a Mess after a while in Wifi SoftAP mode

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:36 am
by ESP_Angus
Hi rudi,

I've replied to you on the GitHub issue.
