For an art-installation I want to an ESP32 controller with wifi (This one [AZ Delivery Node MCU CP2102]( ... 104&sr=8-3)
[TTL zu RS-485] with this TTL to RS485 module ( ... UTF8&psc=1)
to listen to DMX data on the wifi and send it into the [DMX decoder]( ... C85&sr=8-9)
I am trying and trying different libraries etc. etc. but can not get anything to work.
i.e. I used this library [Artnet wifi]( and tested the debug examples to see if any signal was getting through AND to test if any signal is beeing received via wifi. But no matter what I try, the just confirmes the connection to wifi and then nothing.
To generate the DMX signal I am using Resolume Arena. I would be open to use anything else if that is the issue of course... I can not even test if there is data beeing streamed as I don't know how. But it is so simple to setup that I highly doubt that it is the issue. (I have set resolume to use just one LED with three channels and to send to a specific ip adress. "Subnet 0, Universe 0)
Maybe my issue is so fundamental that I can not even get to the signal part yet. ...
The wireing:
**ESP32 controller**
5v --> RS485 VCC
GND --> RS485 Ground
G12 --> RS485 Data Input !!! <-- was in a tutorial, but I don't know how to check if the pin is even right?
**RS485 controller**
RE and DE are wired to VCC to set the module to send the data
DE pin to ESP32 --> possibly wrong pin
VCC --> ESP32 5V
B --> DMX decoder D-
A --> DMX decoder D+
GND --> DMX Decoder GND and ESP32 GND
Code on the ESP32 (i tried all examples etc.)
Example, transmit all received ArtNet messages (DMX) out of the serial port in plain text.
Stephan Ruloff 2016,2019
#include <ArtnetWifi.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
//Wifi settings
const char* ssid = "XXXX";
const char* password = "XXXX";
WiFiUDP UdpSend;
ArtnetWifi artnet;
// connect to wifi – returns true if successful or false if not
bool ConnectWifi(void)
bool state = true;
int i = 0;
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi");
// Wait for connection
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
if (i > 20){
state = false;
if (state) {
Serial.print("Connected to ");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
} else {
Serial.println("Connection failed.");
return state;
void onDmxFrame(uint16_t universe, uint16_t length, uint8_t sequence, uint8_t* data)
bool tail = false;
Serial.print("DMX: Univ: ");
Serial.print(universe, DEC);
Serial.print(", Seq: ");
Serial.print(sequence, DEC);
Serial.print(", Data (");
Serial.print(length, DEC);
Serial.print("): ");
if (length > 16) {
length = 16;
tail = true;
// send out the buffer
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
Serial.print(data, HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
if (tail) {
void setup()
// set-up serial for debug output
// this will be called for each packet received
void loop()
// we call the read function inside the loop;
**Any help is extremely greatly appreciated.**
* My main goal is to get at least ANY DMX signal from the ESP32. (can even be manual at this point)
* Secondary of course is to see that it receives DMX signals over wifi ... but let us start simple