esp rtsp protocol example few problems
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:56 pm
I would like to use the esp-rtsp example with a board (lilygo s3 camera) I was trying to modify the example to fit my board
But I got to a point where the log is telling me.
and when I apply the patch
VScode + IDF 4.4.4
Second question:
In the main
hal.uac_en is set to false but when I go to av_stream_camera_init in av_stream_hal_camera.c
with hal uac_en=false when call esp_camera_init the .pin_sccb_sda = -1 and .pin_sccb_scl = -1 and i2c init fial
But I got to a point where the log is telling me.
Code: Select all
(13258) ESP_RTSP_SERVER: esp_rtsp ver: 1.1.0 compile date: Aug 31 2023-09:45:42
E (13263) MEDIA_OS: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v3.3_freertos.patch" first
E (13282) MEDIA_OS: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore rtsp_server
E (13289) ESP_RTSP_SERVER: Can not start RTSP server task!
Code: Select all
F:\ub\hw\esp\fw\adf2311\esp-adf\esp-idf>git apply f:\ub\hw\esp\fw\adf2311\esp-adf\idf_patches\idf_v3.3_freertos.patch
error: patch failed: components/freertos/include/freertos/task.h:674
error: components/freertos/include/freertos/task.h: patch does not apply
error: patch failed: components/freertos/tasks.c:756
error: components/freertos/tasks.c: patch does not apply
Second question:
In the main
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ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ 2 ] Initialize av stream");
av_stream_config_t av_stream_config = {
.acodec_samplerate = AUDIO_CODEC_SAMPLE_RATE,
.acodec_type = AV_ACODEC_NULL, // AV_ACODEC_G711A,
.vcodec_type = AV_VCODEC_MJPEG,
.hal = {
.uac_en = false,
.uvc_en = false,
.video_soft_enc = false,
.audio_samplerate = AUDIO_HAL_SAMPLE_RATE,
.audio_framesize = PCM_FRAME_SIZE,
.video_framesize = RTSP_FRAME_SIZE,
Code: Select all
static camera_config_t camera_config = {
.pin_pwdn = CAM_PIN_PWDN,
.pin_reset = CAM_PIN_RESET,
.pin_xclk = CAM_PIN_XCLK,
.pin_sccb_sda = -1,
.pin_sccb_scl = -1,
.pin_d7 = CAM_PIN_D7,
.pin_d6 = CAM_PIN_D6,
.pin_d5 = CAM_PIN_D5,
.pin_d4 = CAM_PIN_D4,
.pin_d3 = CAM_PIN_D3,
.pin_d2 = CAM_PIN_D2,
.pin_d1 = CAM_PIN_D1,
.pin_d0 = CAM_PIN_D0,
.pin_vsync = CAM_PIN_VSYNC,
.pin_href = CAM_PIN_HREF,
.pin_pclk = CAM_PIN_PCLK,
.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000,
.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0,
.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0,
.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG,
.jpeg_quality = 12, //0-63 lower number means higher quality
.fb_count = 2,
int av_stream_camera_init(av_stream_hal_config_t *config, void *cb, void *arg)
if (config->uvc_en) {
if (usb_camera_init(config, cb, arg) != ESP_OK) {
return ESP_FAIL;
} else {
camera_config.frame_size = config->video_framesize;
if (config->video_soft_enc) {
camera_config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_YUV422;
if (config->uac_en) {
camera_config.pin_sccb_scl = CAM_PIN_SIOC;
camera_config.pin_sccb_sda = CAM_PIN_SIOD;
if (esp_camera_init(&camera_config) != ESP_OK) {
return ESP_FAIL;
return ESP_OK;