Noise issue when play two mp3 files with downmix from SD
Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 1:11 am
I have a noise problem with my application. I need your help.
When one mp3 file from SD is already playing, if a new event occurs (such as button input), I want to mix and play another mp3 file in SD memory simultaneously.
So I tested it using the pipeline_audio_forge example provided by ESP-ADF and ESP32-LyraT-Mini board.
The example is basically implemented to play wav files.
I set up component_select only as AUDIO_FORGE_SELECT_DOWNMIX and tested it with wav files, it works fine without any noise problems.
But, I changed the code as below for playing mp3 files, and test it again, it causes a lot of noise.
Even when the first mp3 file is played before the event is generated, I can hear big noise.
I really want to solve this problem, but I don't know which part of the code I should change.
I have a noise problem with my application. I need your help.
When one mp3 file from SD is already playing, if a new event occurs (such as button input), I want to mix and play another mp3 file in SD memory simultaneously.
So I tested it using the pipeline_audio_forge example provided by ESP-ADF and ESP32-LyraT-Mini board.
The example is basically implemented to play wav files.
I set up component_select only as AUDIO_FORGE_SELECT_DOWNMIX and tested it with wav files, it works fine without any noise problems.
But, I changed the code as below for playing mp3 files, and test it again, it causes a lot of noise.
Even when the first mp3 file is played before the event is generated, I can hear big noise.
I really want to solve this problem, but I don't know which part of the code I should change.
- /* Multiple pipeline playback with audio processing.
- This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
- software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
- CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
- #include "freertos/task.h"
- #include "freertos/event_groups.h"
- #include "esp_log.h"
- #include "nvs_flash.h"
- #include "audio_element.h"
- #include "audio_pipeline.h"
- #include "audio_event_iface.h"
- #include "audio_common.h"
- #include "i2s_stream.h"
- #include "raw_stream.h"
- #include "fatfs_stream.h"
- #include "wav_decoder.h"
- #include "mp3_decoder.h"
- #include "audio_forge.h"
- #include "board.h"
- #include "esp_peripherals.h"
- #include "periph_sdcard.h"
- #include "periph_button.h"
- static const char *TAG = "AUDIO_FORGE_PIPELINE";
- #define DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE 48000
- #define DEFAULT_CHANNEL 2//1
- #define DEST_SAMPLERATE 48000//11025
- #define DEST_CHANNEL 1
- #define TRANSMITTIME 0
- #define MUSIC_GAIN_DB 0
- int audio_forge_wr_cb(audio_element_handle_t el, char *buf, int len, TickType_t wait_time, void *ctx)
- {
- audio_element_handle_t i2s_wr = (audio_element_handle_t)ctx;
- int ret = audio_element_output(i2s_wr, buf, len);
- return ret;
- }
- void app_main(void)
- {
- audio_pipeline_handle_t pipeline[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE] = {NULL};
- audio_element_handle_t fats_rd_el[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE] = {NULL};
- audio_element_handle_t mp3_decoder[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE] = {NULL};
- audio_element_handle_t el_raw_write[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE] = {NULL};
- esp_log_level_set("*", ESP_LOG_INFO);
- esp_log_level_set(TAG, ESP_LOG_INFO);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[1.0] Start audio codec chip");
- audio_board_handle_t board_handle = audio_board_init();
- audio_hal_ctrl_codec(board_handle->audio_hal, AUDIO_HAL_CODEC_MODE_DECODE, AUDIO_HAL_CTRL_START);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[2.0] Start and wait for SDCARD to mount");
- esp_periph_config_t periph_cfg = DEFAULT_ESP_PERIPH_SET_CONFIG();
- esp_periph_set_handle_t set = esp_periph_set_init(&periph_cfg);
- audio_board_sdcard_init(set, SD_MODE_1_LINE);
- audio_board_key_init(set);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[3.0] Create pipeline_mix to mix");
- audio_pipeline_cfg_t pipeline_cfg = DEFAULT_AUDIO_PIPELINE_CONFIG();
- audio_pipeline_handle_t pipeline_mix = audio_pipeline_init(&pipeline_cfg);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[3.1] Create audio_forge");
- audio_forge_cfg_t audio_forge_cfg = AUDIO_FORGE_CFG_DEFAULT();
- audio_forge_cfg.audio_forge.component_select = AUDIO_FORGE_SELECT_DOWNMIX;
- audio_forge_cfg.audio_forge.dest_samplerate = DEST_SAMPLERATE;
- audio_forge_cfg.audio_forge.dest_channel = DEST_CHANNEL;
- audio_forge_cfg.audio_forge.source_num = NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE;
- audio_element_handle_t audio_forge = audio_forge_init(&audio_forge_cfg);
- audio_forge_src_info_t source_information = {
- .samplerate = DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE,
- .channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
- };
- audio_forge_downmix_t downmix_information = {
- .gain = {0, MUSIC_GAIN_DB},
- .transit_time = TRANSMITTIME,
- };
- audio_forge_src_info_t source_info[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE] = {0};
- audio_forge_downmix_t downmix_info[NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE];
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE; i++) {
- source_info[i] = source_information;
- downmix_info[i] = downmix_information;
- }
- audio_forge_source_info_init(audio_forge, source_info, downmix_info);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[3.2] Create i2s stream to read audio data from codec chip");
- i2s_stream_cfg_t i2s_cfg = I2S_STREAM_CFG_DEFAULT();
- i2s_cfg.type = AUDIO_STREAM_WRITER;
- i2s_cfg.task_stack = 0;
- i2s_cfg.out_rb_size = 0;
- i2s_cfg.i2s_config.tx_desc_auto_clear = true;
- audio_element_handle_t i2s_writer = i2s_stream_init(&i2s_cfg);
- i2s_stream_set_clk(i2s_writer, DEST_SAMPLERATE, 16, DEST_CHANNEL);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[3.3] Link elements together audio_forge-->i2s_writer");
- audio_pipeline_register(pipeline_mix, audio_forge, "audio_forge");
- audio_element_set_write_cb(audio_forge, audio_forge_wr_cb, i2s_writer);
- audio_element_process_init(i2s_writer);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[3.4] Link elements together audio_forge-->i2s_stream-->[codec_chip]");
- audio_pipeline_link(pipeline_mix, (const char *[]) {"audio_forge"}, 1);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[4.0] Create Fatfs stream to read input data");
- fatfs_stream_cfg_t fatfs_cfg = FATFS_STREAM_CFG_DEFAULT();
- fatfs_cfg.type = AUDIO_STREAM_READER;
- // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[4.1] Create wav decoder to decode wav file");
- // wav_decoder_cfg_t wav_cfg = DEFAULT_WAV_DECODER_CONFIG();
- // wav_cfg.task_core = 0;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[4.1] Create mp3 decoder to decode wav file");
- mp3_decoder_cfg_t mp3_cfg = DEFAULT_MP3_DECODER_CONFIG();
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[4.2] Create raw stream of base wav to write data");
- raw_stream_cfg_t raw_cfg = RAW_STREAM_CFG_DEFAULT();
- raw_cfg.type = AUDIO_STREAM_WRITER;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[5.0] Set up event listener");
- audio_event_iface_cfg_t evt_cfg = AUDIO_EVENT_IFACE_DEFAULT_CFG();
- audio_event_iface_handle_t evt = audio_event_iface_init(&evt_cfg);
- char str_name[18] = "/sdcard/test";
- char num = '1';
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE; i++) {
- pipeline[i] = audio_pipeline_init(&pipeline_cfg);
- mem_assert(pipeline[i]);
- fats_rd_el[i] = fatfs_stream_init(&fatfs_cfg);
- str_name[12] = num + i;
- str_name[13] = '.';
- str_name[14] = 'm';
- str_name[15] = 'p';
- str_name[16] = '3';
- audio_element_set_uri(fats_rd_el[i], str_name);
- mp3_decoder[i] = mp3_decoder_init(&mp3_cfg);
- el_raw_write[i] = raw_stream_init(&raw_cfg);
- audio_pipeline_register(pipeline[i], fats_rd_el[i], "file");
- audio_pipeline_register(pipeline[i], mp3_decoder[i], "mp3");
- audio_pipeline_register(pipeline[i], el_raw_write[i], "raw");
- const char *link_tag[3] = {"file", "mp3", "raw"};
- audio_pipeline_link(pipeline[i], &link_tag[0], 3);
- ringbuf_handle_t rb = audio_element_get_input_ringbuf(el_raw_write[i]);
- audio_element_set_multi_input_ringbuf(audio_forge, rb, i);
- audio_pipeline_set_listener(pipeline[i], evt);
- }
- audio_pipeline_set_listener(pipeline_mix, evt);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[5.1] Listening event from peripherals");
- audio_event_iface_set_listener(esp_periph_set_get_event_iface(set), evt);
- audio_pipeline_run(pipeline[0]);
- audio_pipeline_run(pipeline_mix);
- while (1) {
- audio_event_iface_msg_t msg;
- esp_err_t ret = audio_event_iface_listen(evt, &msg, portMAX_DELAY);
- if (ret != ESP_OK) {
- ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[ * ] Event interface error : %d", ret);
- continue;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE; i++) {
- if (msg.source_type == AUDIO_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT && msg.source == (void *)mp3_decoder[i]
- && msg.cmd == AEL_MSG_CMD_REPORT_MUSIC_INFO) {
- audio_element_info_t music_info = {0};
- audio_element_getinfo(mp3_decoder[i], &music_info);
- ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[ * ] Receive music info from mp3 decoder, sample_rates=%d, bits=%d, ch=%d",
- music_info.sample_rates, music_info.bits, music_info.channels);
- audio_forge_set_src_info(audio_forge, music_info.sample_rates, music_info.channels, i);
- }
- }
- if (((int) == get_input_mode_id()) && (msg.cmd == PERIPH_BUTTON_PRESSED)) {
- ESP_LOGE(TAG, "audio_forge start");
- // for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE; i++) {
- // ret = audio_pipeline_run(pipeline[i]);
- // }
- // audio_pipeline_run(pipeline_mix);
- // audio_forge_downmix_set_input_rb_timeout(audio_forge, 50);
- audio_pipeline_run(pipeline[1]);
- audio_forge_downmix_set_input_rb_timeout(audio_forge, 50);
- }
- /* Stop when the last pipeline element (fatfs_writer in this case) receives stop event */
- if (msg.source_type == AUDIO_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT
- && msg.source == (void *) audio_forge
- || ((int) == AEL_STATUS_STATE_FINISHED))) {
- break;
- }
- }
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[6.0] Stop pipelines");
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_SOURCE_FILE; i++) {
- audio_pipeline_stop(pipeline[i]);
- audio_pipeline_wait_for_stop(pipeline[i]);
- audio_pipeline_terminate(pipeline[i]);
- audio_pipeline_unregister_more(pipeline[i], fats_rd_el[i], mp3_decoder[i], el_raw_write[i], NULL);
- audio_pipeline_remove_listener(pipeline[i]);
- /* Release resources */
- audio_pipeline_deinit(pipeline[i]);
- audio_element_deinit(fats_rd_el[i]);
- audio_element_deinit(mp3_decoder[i]);
- audio_element_deinit(el_raw_write[i]);
- }
- audio_pipeline_stop(pipeline_mix);
- audio_pipeline_wait_for_stop(pipeline_mix);
- audio_pipeline_terminate(pipeline_mix);
- audio_pipeline_unregister_more(pipeline_mix, audio_forge, NULL);
- audio_pipeline_remove_listener(pipeline_mix);
- /* Stop all peripherals before removing the listener */
- esp_periph_set_stop_all(set);
- audio_event_iface_remove_listener(esp_periph_set_get_event_iface(set), evt);
- /* Make sure audio_pipeline_remove_listener & audio_event_iface_remove_listener are called before destroying event_iface */
- audio_event_iface_destroy(evt);
- /* Release resources */
- audio_pipeline_deinit(pipeline_mix);
- audio_element_deinit(audio_forge);
- audio_element_deinit(i2s_writer);
- esp_periph_set_destroy(set);
- }