ADF audio_pipelines issues

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ADF audio_pipelines issues

Postby nzh912 » Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:01 am

Hi guys, i have a problem on ESP-ADF sdk.
We have wrote a firmware previously based on the ADF released in github in January, V1.0-4-g01f45d8 is the version of this SDK.
There is nothing wrong with the development using this version of ADF. After tested well, we have delivered the program firmware to our customer. But in recently, we received feedback from customer about the Bluetooth connection is unstable.
So we updated adf-sdk, the version number is V2.0-beta1-31g76ef618, the Bluetooth connection is indeed much more stable after the update.

But after updated the ADF, in this version, the prompt voice/playback voice in our program became cannot use. We found that in this ADF version, the changes in the audio_pipeline components are relatively large. The internal implementation of the API has changed. My ability is limited and i could not find out what has been changed in the API caused the prompt voice/playback cannot cannot play.

Our project is integrated based on the examples in previous version of ADF, (play_mp3, play_bt_sink, and gatts_demo) .

now, the problem is that the playback voice can only be played once, it stopped at the next play. We are using the same program code. It work well in the previous version.In previous version of ADF, the playback voice can play all the time.

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Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:05 am

Re: ADF audio_pipelines issues

Postby jason.mao » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:29 am

Hi nzh912,

The ADF v2.0 have a lot of changes for support more features. According to your description, there is one change may cause that.
`audio_pipeline_wait_for_stop` is blocked on v2.0, if the linked element hasn't stopped.

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:35 am

Re: ADF audio_pipelines issues

Postby hallgrim » Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:58 pm

I have a similar problem. It seems to me that when elements gets into the FINISHED state, you cannot get them started again.

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