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esp32 aws iot jit provision

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:08 am
by dhs2017
hi, is there any example or lib of esp32 which can perform aws iot jit provisioning? thanks.

Re: esp32 aws iot jit provision

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 6:13 pm
by BlueGold
I'm also looking forward for it....! :roll: I've created device certificate for jitr and made the certificate in pending activation using mosquito but when I try to connect using device (esp32) it is not getting connected....

Re: esp32 aws iot jit provision

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 1:27 pm
by chegewara
recently ive learned a lot about JITP (aws just in time provisioning). I can try to help.

First of all you need to know there is a difference between JITP and JITR. For JITR you need lambda that will activate certificate and device on first connection. JITP does not require lambda and activate device certificate on first connection.

Next thing is that you need aws account with IAM roles etc. All about it you can learn from this post: ... -iot-core/

The last and very important thing is that you need to provide CA certificate in esp32 device, because aws with it will know how to proxy requests. To be honest i dont know how it is implemented in espressif aws-iot library because im working with AWSFreeRTOS, but procedure is the same.