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Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:39 am
by Corryl
So, I pretty much have had to give myself a crash course in Bluetooth, blue droid, and the esp-idf-1.0 but I think I'm finally at a point where I can ask an intelligent question! (As an aside, man is this spec hard to deal with! All software based!)

So that said, the question, so to speak, is what is actually missing to be able to run a2dp?

Now, to answer that, I think I need to clarify my understanding of the stack/problem :)

What I see: vhci talks to hci talks to (mainly) btu talks to (mainly) btm talks to (mainly) bta talks to the code we want to write. Btm on down looks complete. Bta looks about 1/2 complete. I noticed the obvious lack of non-le functions for basics like scanning. I pulled back a version of blue droid a2dp which was fairly easy to make compile. (Also still need to try the support profiles). Obviously I can't discover/get the uuids/connect to non-le devices in the current state. That doesn't look too hard to add (famous last words I know!) but I'm guessing there's more missing. In fact, looking at the bta function tables and seeing all the {NULL, NULL} has me a bit worried.

Am I following the code roughly correctly? Am I in the ball park for work required? Is express-if working on this/expected to release it soon? Or is it something they don't care about? (Since that's less iot than other things...)

Thanks for everything it is so far! Having learned how the whole Bluetooth stack is put together I have a strong appreciation for just how tough a problem it is! When I searched for freertos and bluedroid (hoping someone somewhere had a more complete version I could port) all I found were companies looking for engineers with knowledge of both! So thanks again for getting it this far along!

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:17 am
by WiFive
More layers than a 7 layer dip!

I'm sure they care and are working on it. I think they have some internal audio board reference design in progress. Not sure about timeline.

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:38 am
by Corryl
The reason I'm note sure they care about my specific case is I'm looking to discover and connect to devices, not very iot. Iot is more being a device.

Bluetooth is probably the most complex peripheral spec I've looked at, so I get its pretty rough to implement on my own. I suspect their devs got into a similar boat looking at their bluedroid port anyhow...I'm probably going to develop in parallel, but my Christmas break is about to draw to a close...I go back to real life Monday. When you code 9 hours a day at work, it's tough to convince yourself to do serious coding at home. Making my own alarm clock is ok, implementing a Bluetooth stack is a whole different story :)

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:04 am
by ESP_Tianhao
Hi. Thanks for pay attention to ESP32 bluetooth.
To answer your question:
A2DP is already run successfully and can play music well. Please trust us. But the release timeline is not sure by me.

The bluedroid is very big for embedded system. So we decrease some code. So you can see that BTA code decreased, and BTIF is deleted.

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:28 am
by jgfisher
Hi @ESP_Tianhao you mentioned:
A2DP is already run successfully and can play music well.
Do you have an update on the release timeline since your last post? I am trying to use the esp-idf to program the ESP32 Thing for streaming audio over Bluetooth, using A2DP. Have the files for this been made publicly available yet? If not, what are my best options?
In particular, I noticed that bte_init.c includes a2d_api.h, but I am unable to find that file in the directory structure.

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:25 am
by jldiez

Do you know when release A2DP support?. I too noticed that bte_init.c includes a2d_api.h, but I am unable to find that file in the directory structure. I am anxious to use this feature. :o

Re: Bluetooth dual mode

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:40 pm
by Akashbkumar
Im working in a project were both BT classic and BLE are required. Im using Arduino. Could somebody help with this?