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Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:06 am
by long585
At present this version wifi mode only have WIFI_MODE_STA, WIFI_MODE_AP, WIFI_MODE_APSTA.
Whether it can provide wifi-p2p mode?

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:42 am
by ESP_igrr
WiFi stack doesn't support P2P right now. We don't have this in near-term plan because we haven't got feature requests for this from customers. Long term, yes, it will be supported.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:32 am
by long585
ESP_igrr wrote:WiFi stack doesn't support P2P right now. We don't have this in near-term plan because we haven't got feature requests for this from customers. Long term, yes, it will be supported.
Thanks for your response,But I still hope that as soon as possible to provide wifi P2P mode.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:48 pm
by TiesBogy
Lack of p2p mode implementation is what holding us form considering ESP32 modules as a replacement of our current Broadcomm solution. Plaese, make wifi-p2p mode ASAP.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:53 am
by long585
TiesBogy wrote:Lack of p2p mode implementation is what holding us form considering ESP32 modules as a replacement of our current Broadcomm solution. Plaese, make wifi-p2p mode ASAP.
i think so

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:36 am
by Cnheider
Hype, really need this feauture, its the reason I bought the module :)

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:58 am
by EuroSolutions GmbH
The P2P mode is absolutely essential for our customer so please do consider this a mandatory and urgent feature request with follow-up order potential of >10M units.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:52 am
by ESP_Jack
Sorry, currently, P2P is not in our schedule in IDF. The priority of P2P is low now.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:55 am
by ESP_Jack
If you really need P2P, you can go business way.

Re: Whether the wifi-lib contains wifi-p2p mode?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:51 am
by ESP_Sprite
To expand on what Jack is saying: the development of esp-idf is partially driven by foresight on the part of Espressif (aka what we think would be nice to have and useful in a chip like the ESP32), partially by sales (customers needing a certain feature in order to finish their gadget). The forum is a very good place for the first type of item: if you're missing a certain kind of feature and can make a case for us pouring development time into it because it would make a lot of the community happy, we'll gladly consider it. (And have done so in the past, by the way.) If you're a business and need a certain not-too-common feature like P2P, the forum is not the right place: the people from Espressif that lurk here are mostly engineers. You're better off contacting us directly through our sales/pre-sales channels in that case.