Arduino ESP32 RAM usage.

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Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:36 am

Arduino ESP32 RAM usage.

Postby Trialblazer47 » Sat May 19, 2018 6:43 am

Hi everyone,

So I am working on project that requires more RAM to store samples of Accelerometer say for at least 30 seconds and then send it over AWS.

But the problem is with all the functionality implemented (wifi manager, Sensor data collection on one core and AWS IoT) we are able to store 9600 samples (9600*3*2 bytes or 57600 bytes of RAM).
But recently I was testing only storing or just creating an array with a big size and the code works for a very large array even larger than the size of Actual RAM on ESP32 wroom. but when I integrate adxl library into it the code fails to compile saying ram overflowed.

SO here is the code can someone test it. ... f81c68.git

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Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:35 am

Re: Arduino ESP32 RAM usage.

Postby WiFive » Sat May 19, 2018 7:42 am

If you're going to write the word Arduino or even imagine it, put your post here

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