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Wemos Lolin32 Deep Sleep Time Drift

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:07 pm
by Kazuya91

I have a project with the ESP32. The project is battery driven so my choice is the Wemos Lolin32 Board (not the Lite Version) which has a low power consumption of 135µA in deep sleep. It has a WROOM32 Module.

The problem is that I sent the ESP32 to deep sleep for 24 hours (86400 seconds) via the function esp_deep_sleep_start(). I let him sleep at 13:15 and he woke up at 13:00. Is there any other way to make the clock more precise except to calculate the difference in time to correct the seconds to sleep? Honestly I dont want to use an external RTC.

Are there any configuration settings which i can make in my code? I have to say that I just used the function to start deep sleep. I configured nothing.

Any tips? I know there are threads out there and I found them but the people use different boards and I need to use this one.

Re: Wemos Lolin32 Deep Sleep Time Drift

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:56 pm
by WiFive