Hi everyone,
I hope you all are doing well today!
I am currently working on my bachelor’s degree and I am experiencing an issue with my compiler. I have included the esp_mac library and also updated the CMakeLists file, but the compiler still cannot find the library. I am not sure why this is happening. I have been trying to solve this problem for three days now, but I am out of ideas.
I am using esp-idf v5.3. Interestingly, I did not encounter this problem with the previous version, v5.1.2.
HINT: The component esp_mac could not be found. This could be because: component name was misspelled, the component was not added to the build, the component has been moved to the IDF component manager or has been removed and refactored into some other component.
Please look out for component in 'https://components.espressif.com' and add using 'idf.py add-dependency' command.
Refer to the migration guide for more details about moved components.
Refer to the build-system guide for more details about how components are found and included in the build.
idf_component_register(SRCS "MRSFirmware.c" "src/myclass.c"
INCLUDE_DIRS "include"
REQUIRES driver mbedtls esp_mac esp-tls esp_wifi esp_event nvs_flash esp_netif esp_http_server esp_https_server esp_eth esp_hw_support esp_http_client esp_netif spiffs
EMBED_TXTFILES include/cert.pem
Thank you Guys!!!
component esp_mac could not be found
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