MQTT disconnect

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Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:11 am

MQTT disconnect

Postby Abhijeet123 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:23 am


I am receiving following error after some time gateway starts and when following error is occurred gateway restarts.
Connection is with ethernet cable.

[0;31mE (290965) Transport_MbedTLS_PKCS11: Failed to send data: mbedTLSError= SSL - Bad input parameters to function : <No-Low-Level-Code>.
[0;31mE (290975) coreMQTT: sendBuffer: Unable to send packet: Network Error.
[0;31mE (290985) coreMQTT: Transport send failed for PINGREQ packet.
[0;31mE (290985) FleetProvisioning: Ping request failed status= MQTTSendFailed.

After gateway restart this error is going, but again after some time this issue is coming.
I am not understanding what could be reason behind this.

Thanks in advance

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Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:46 pm

Re: MQTT disconnect

Postby liaifat85 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:18 pm

Inspect the MQTT broker/server logs for any indications of issues on the server side.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:11 am


Postby Abhijeet123 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 6:25 am


I am also receiving following logs:-

assert failed: vQueueDelete queue.c:2300 (pxQueue)

Backtrace: 0x40081d85:0x3ffd3d70 0x4009548d:0x3ffd3d90 0x40098ddd:0x3ffd3db0 0x4021ccd9:0x3ffd3ed0 0x401228b9:0x3ffd3ef0
0x40121618:0x3ffd3f10 0x40121670:0x3ffd3f30 0x40119be5:0x3ffd3f50 0x40117109:0x3ffd3f70 0x4011efee:0x3ffd3fa0 0x4011cbb9:0x3ffd3fc0
0x4010e4a8:0x3ffd3fe0 0x401272d5:0x3ffd4000 0x40127b78:0x3ffd4020 0x40113cce:0x3ffd4040 0x4012236e:0x3ffd4060 0x400957aa:0x3ffd4090

Can anyone tell me why is this?

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