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ESP32S2 doesn't show serial port after flashing with hello world example

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:43 pm
by peterw
An ESP32-S2-DEVKitC-1 which came with the demo code of a flashing R, G. B led from espressif,
once programmed via flash with the demo hello_world app, from the idf get_started examples, refuses to show a serial port. Target type set to ESP32S2, and can get still get into bootloader mode, with reset/boot pins, but no application serial port

Re: ESP32S2 doesn't show serial port after flashing with hello world example

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:55 pm
by bidrohini
Try manually resetting the board by pressing and releasing the RST button. This should reset the board and start running the demo hello_world app.

Check that the correct serial port is selected in your terminal program. The ESP32-S2-DEVKitC-1 should appear as a USB serial device in your computer's device manager, and you can use the device name to select the correct serial port in your terminal program.

Re: ESP32S2 doesn't show serial port after flashing with hello world example

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:12 pm
by peterw
Once the code has been programmed, resetting/power cycling does not show up any serial port in device manager.

And to reprogramme again, the boot/reset button combination of getting it into bootloader/DFU mode is needed, which then does appear as a comm port. It just seems that any of the examples that send data to the USB/serial port do not show a serial port after the programme is uploaded and reset. It could be that the programme is not running, hence no serial port, but I can't be sure, hence using a simple example programme to test it out!

the target has been set to ESP32S2 via the set-target command

Re: ESP32S2 doesn't show serial port after flashing with hello world example

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:09 am
by ESP_Sprite
You might need to use menuconfig to set the standard log console to CDC/ACM.

Re: ESP32S2 doesn't show serial port after flashing with hello world example

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:05 am
by peterw
Yes, that was the issue, the debug console was set to UART0, using menuconfig to set it up as USB/CDC, made the serial port appear and then the hello word text appears.

thank you for your help