Commercial solution for WiFi+BT Classic (A2DP-Sink)+BTLE on ESP32
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Commercial solution for WiFi+BT Classic (A2DP-Sink)+BTLE on ESP32

Postby » Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:27 pm


I am looking for a commercial solution to get all of the following to run on an ESP-WROOM-32 module:
- WiFi
- BT Classic, in particular A2DP and AVRCP.
- BTLE (for configuration of the WiFi parameters for example)
- and a reasonable sized application (e.g. consuming 100 kB DRAM)

I am struggling to get this to run due to the enormous amounts of DRAM consumed by enabling BT Classic and BTLE (about 140 kB) in total.

I am not looking for something for free. A commercial solution (using a different BT stack or reducing the Bluedroid stack) is perfectly fine.


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