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can esp-prog have hardware failure through over current of FT_nDTR FT_nRTS?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:12 pm
by RMandR
using esp-prog for production and once in a while something blows in the hardware and esp-prog board just refuses to set IO0 and EN pins until we swap it with a new one.

At present we have 4 of these _blown_ boards.

Wild guess: Q1-Q2 are rated for 500mA and connected to FT_nDTR and FT_nRTS pins which are rated for a few mA at best. Not sure if there is an over-current for these pins or not. All we know is that sometimes these boards seem to blow.
Q1Q2.PNG (22.67 KiB) Viewed 1471 times

Has anyone else seen a similar issue?