Can WiFi, BLE and BT be used in parallel with a host MCU

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Can WiFi, BLE and BT be used in parallel with a host MCU

Postby imdahisaria » Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:46 am


I am new to the EPS32 chip and I plan to use the new Wroom-32 module in mz project. I wanted to know the following ,

1)can I use the wifi and bluetooth at the same time ?

2)Is the chip(EPS32) Apple verified ? that is can I use it with Apple devices ?

3)where can I find the commands to control the module ?

I plan to use this chip in large quantities so it is very important for me to know the answer. It would be great if someone could help me.

Thank you

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Re: Can WiFi, BLE and BT be used in parallel with a host MCU

Postby kolban » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:40 pm

The ESP32 has just been released and the software that executes upon it is still in flux. I understand that it is planned to eventually support WiFi and BLE simultaneously but at the moment, it is one or the other.

Don't know anything about apple certified other than to say that it is a WiFi module and an iPhone should be able to WiFi network with it without issue.

Not so much "commands" as a programming environment. One writes applications (currently in C) that run on the ESP32. Details and documentation can be found at the manufacturers web site: ... 2/overview

and also by reading relevant sections of the forum.
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: Can WiFi, BLE and BT be used in parallel with a host MCU

Postby WiFive » Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:59 am

If you are a high volume customer you should contact espressif directly and get dedicated support.

As mentioned, the software/firmware is still in development so:

1) yes when complete
2) i assume you mean mfi compatibility for restricted bluetooth accessory profiles and/or homekit. Obviously the sw has to be complete before getting it certified so not yet, unknown.
3) no AT or slave firmware has been published yet

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Re: Can WiFi, BLE and BT be used in parallel with a host MCU

Postby imdahisaria » Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:48 am

Thank you for the reply.

Also I wanted to know, Is it possible to use Bluetooth classic(BT) and Bluetooth Low Energy at the same time with the current available software ?

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