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BLE Mesh parameters

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:24 am
by mm_1993
Hi All

What parameters should be stored in memory to rejoin the phone to the ble mesh network nodes?
my nodes in proxy/relay mode
and I run ble mesh fast prov server example


Re: BLE Mesh parameters

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:49 am
by mm_1993
Nobody answered my question :(
When using Bluetooth mesh, what parameters should I save?
after restart the device that was previously connected to the network and Join the network automatically again
I mean network app_key, net_key, uuid,.... which one ??
and Important question is
when I should save this data ? in which callback ?
and when should I Load this parameter?

I neeeed to know -> in the ble mesh network If I want to store the mobile information in the mesh network, what parameters should I store in the flash so that after restarting, one of the nodes can recognize/pair or Connect the mobile again?

if anyone know please tell me I need to know I can not spend more time on this project :( :( :(

Re: BLE Mesh parameters

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:45 pm
by mm_1993
Hi Again
in menuconfig -> component config -> esp ble mesh support
I found this -> Store BLE Mesh configuration persistently

after enable this setting I can reset/power-off the esp32 and rejoin my node to ble mesh network and control it with my phone
there is another problem :)

the node that save/store phone device info in nvs flash (my test app is nrf-mesh)
after delete a provisioned node in the app I can not Connect or rejoin at All .
just I have to reprogram the esp node again ...

question is the (Store BLE Mesh configuration persistently) how this function/setting work ? and how Can I write a function like this for save and delete mesh network info manual ?

Re: BLE Mesh parameters

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:42 am
by elDi@mond
I have a same question, how to delete stored network settings?