ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

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ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby Deepak » Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:09 am

I am developing Bluetooth based application using esp32. I have need to update my software using "over the air" downloading. Can anyone tell me is it possible to implement OTA using Bluetooth and if yes please suggest me or provide me with the links so that I can refer to it.

Deepak Patel

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Re: ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby blmhemu » Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:45 pm

Hi deepak ,
I do. not exactly know the code for esp32 but i have found that bluetooth low energy devices have the option to do it.
This site is not for esp32 but might give you an idea :) : ... TA-Updates

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Re: ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby Deepak » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:02 am

I am developing OTA using bluetooth. I am able to get current running partition address and also am able to get next update partition address. My esp_ota_begin() also executes successfully. After this I try to write into new partition with using esp_ota_write() and even this function executes successfully but after this if I call esp_ota_end() or esp_ota_set_boot_partition() I get invalid image error i.e return value as 0x1503. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong. Why I am getting this error?

Thank You.

Deepak Patel

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Re: ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby loboris » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:00 pm

Deepak wrote:... After this I try to write into new partition with using esp_ota_write() and even this function executes successfully ...
What exactly are you writting with esp_ota_write(), how do you get the data over BT?

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Re: ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby atlascoder » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:27 pm

Hi, Deepak!

I've created OTA via BLE - no problem.

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Re: ESP32 OTA using bluetooth

Postby Deepak » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:56 am


I have not developed central side( mobile app ) to send data to my esp32 peripheral device. Before implementing actual OTA I thought of testing OTA api. I have selected two OTA partition using make menuconfig and try to get current running partition address and next update partition address. I am getting this properly as 0x10000 and 0x110000 respectively. Then I called esp_ota_begin() and it executes successfully. Earlier ,after this I tried to call esp_ota_set_partition() just to see that whether new partition is getting set or not but it gave me invalid image error. I thought it would be because I have not written anything into that partiton so then I tried to copy from factory partition and write into ota_1 partition using esp_ota_write(). Even this function executes properly but after this if I call esp_ota_end() or esp_ota_set_partition() it gives me invalid image error as 0x1503.
My app side is not developed yet and If I want to test this functionality what is the possible ways can you guide me. Can you tell me how you have implemented OTA using bluetooth?

Thank you.

Deepak Patel

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