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Azure RTOS on ESP32

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:02 am
by OllieK
I have been quite happy for FreeRTOS on ESP32. I am totally aware that it doesn't meet the stringiest real time requirements, but it has been good enough for my projects.

NXP has offered Microsoft Azure RTOS as an alternative for the Amazon FreeRTOS and I do appreciate the benefits Azure RTOS has over FreeRTOS. Now ST has indicated that it will have both FreeRTOS and Azure RTOS available in their IDE (STM32CubeIDE). I am wondering, if there are any plans for IDF to support Azure RTOS in near future?

Re: Azure RTOS on ESP32

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:48 am
by WiFive
It would be cool to have threadx aka azure rtos on espressif chips but they would first have to negotiate a hardware platform license with Microsoft and of course do the porting. Maybe Microsoft would be interested in supporting this to drive adoption of azure iot cloud services...not sure what their business model around azure rtos is.

Re: Azure RTOS on ESP32

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:15 am
by OllieK
It is already ported on xtensa xcc port and in that sense, there could be a path forward into IDF and other Espressif platforms.

Re: Azure RTOS on ESP32

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:10 pm
by askpatrickw
ESP-IDF on Azure RTOS is something my company (an Azure IoT consulting firm) would also love to see. We have used Espressif in our projects and recommended same for clients. But the Azure RTOS support and certifications is very compelling and we'd love to continue be able to recommend Espressif for Azure IoT.

Re: Azure RTOS on ESP32

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:03 pm
by m.bonIT
Has anyone managed to integrate Azure RTOS NetX Duo into the ESP32?