I2S with internal DAC and ADC simultaneously

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I2S with internal DAC and ADC simultaneously

Postby supersat » Fri May 19, 2017 5:48 am

Does the ESP32 hardware allow the I2S module to use the internal DAC and ADC simultaneously (i.e., streaming full-duplex audio)? Obviously the software support in esp-idf isn't there yet, but I'm curious if it will be possible in the future.

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Re: I2S with internal DAC and ADC simultaneously

Postby BuddyCasino » Fri May 19, 2017 6:48 am

You've probably already seen this - at least they're planning something:

Code: Select all

typedef enum {
    I2S_MODE_MASTER = 1,
    I2S_MODE_SLAVE = 2,
    I2S_MODE_TX = 4,
    I2S_MODE_RX = 8,
    I2S_MODE_DAC_BUILT_IN = 16,       /*!< Output I2S data to built-in DAC, no matter the data format is 16bit or 32 bit, the DAC module will only take the 8bits from MSB*/
    //I2S_MODE_ADC_BUILT_IN = 32,     /*!< Currently not supported yet, will be added for the next version*/
    I2S_MODE_PDM = 64,
} i2s_mode_t;
I wonder if PDM is fixed to the DAC pins.

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