I2C Fails when doing SPI FLASH
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:26 pm
I am using the ESP32-WROOM-32U with the latest esp-idf.
I have I2C running constantly getting information from sensors. I also want to be able to log onto the ESP32 flash itself. When I do log onto the flash, sometimes it will mess up the I2C transaction and the I2C transaction returns ESP_FAIL.
When I scope the I2C bus, I can see that the SCL is pulled low and then the SDA and they stay low for like 30ms. (See attached image which shows the two ends of this time frame and the whole time frame itself.)
I only ever see this issue when I start doing SPI FLASH transactions. I am using the I2C driver in the idf.
I have tried using different pins for I2C, with no success.
Is there something I am missing or a workaround for this error?
Thank you.
I am using the ESP32-WROOM-32U with the latest esp-idf.
I have I2C running constantly getting information from sensors. I also want to be able to log onto the ESP32 flash itself. When I do log onto the flash, sometimes it will mess up the I2C transaction and the I2C transaction returns ESP_FAIL.
When I scope the I2C bus, I can see that the SCL is pulled low and then the SDA and they stay low for like 30ms. (See attached image which shows the two ends of this time frame and the whole time frame itself.)
I only ever see this issue when I start doing SPI FLASH transactions. I am using the I2C driver in the idf.
I have tried using different pins for I2C, with no success.
Is there something I am missing or a workaround for this error?
Thank you.