Pico ESP32 Mounted On Custom PCB Flash
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:58 pm
I am trying to flash firmware on a Pico ESP32(bought from an IC distributor) mounted on a custom PCB. I have connected it to my PC using a CP2102 USB to UART converter. I have been trying to use both the esp flash tool and the Arduino IDE to flash. When I try to use the esp tool to flash, I am getting a sync fail message. I have also been trying to use the Arduino IDE but I am getting "Timed out waiting for packet header". I have tried to ground both EN and GPIO0 to put the ESP32 in flash mode. I have read online that if I try to reset the IC I should get an output log file when reading the serial output. I have tried to do that but I am not getting any response from the IC. I am not sure if this the ESP32 should output this log file even without installing any firmware, I am not sure if the manufactures of the IC have already installed some firmware on the device during manufacturing. If this is the case than it would mean that there is a problem with the hardware perhaps the IC is misaligned that is why the IC is giving no response. Can someone please clarify this issue?
Also it would be helpful if someone can provide any serial commands that can be used to communicate over serial with the ESP32 before any firmware is flashed to check if the ESP32 is responding to the commands transmitted thus clearing the hardware issues?
Also it would be helpful if someone can provide any serial commands that can be used to communicate over serial with the ESP32 before any firmware is flashed to check if the ESP32 is responding to the commands transmitted thus clearing the hardware issues?