Not sure where to put this because it's a question about hardware and software so I'll put it here.
I have a Lyra-TD MSC board with Alexa deployed to it, using the ESP-VA-SDK and was wondering what implications there may be to switching the RTOS flavor to the one offered by AWS. The reasoning is that I have AWS GreenGrass running in a container on a balenaFin board, and one of the requirements is that devices need to be running the AWS-RTOS to connect properly.
I'm new to actually poking around with RTOS, so have no idea how dependant/integrated the version that comes with the SDK is with the Lyra hardware.
If I can get the device communicating properly with my container, it means I can have all my Alexa communications ping back via MQTT, which is a huge deal for my home automation.
Thanks for any help.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:03 am
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